Results of new Calif Gun laws


New member
This just in from the California DOJ for 2000.

Homicides increased 4.7 percent
Forcible Rapes increased 9.7 percent
Aggravated Assaults increased 2.5 percent

The Attorney General expressed particular concern during his speech about the fact that 49 jurisdictions reported an increase in the number of forcible rapes during the first six months of 2000.

Remember to thank the California government for all the new anti-self defense laws for this year.
No surprise... look for even more draconian "sensible gun regulations" to come...

Or look to the U.K. & Australia, where a virtual ban on firearms hasn't "fixed the violence problem," so they are going after "the Knife Culture" next...

I was hoping you could provide a link or where you read that story so I can get it to those that have an email list.

More new laws...

Don't worry, the new potential law AB-35 will solve all your worries...and don't forget AB-22...
The "final" solution to the Kalifornia problem.

As I have stated before, I am in favor of the "Lex Luthor" solution to the Kalifornia problem. Anybody remember the old "Superman" movie??????;)
California Laws

Re posts on this subject, funny thing is that the voters out there seem bound and determined to keep returning to office, or electing people to office, who have the same anti civil rights, anti self defense mind set.

California must sure be a strange place.
It's like the U.S., except the liberals outnumber us

A voting map of California Counties would be similar to "that map" of the U.S. showing which counties voted for Bush and which for Gore.

In Calif., the liberals in Los Angeles, Orange, San Francisco, etc., now outnumber the conservatives and the folks in the rural counties. We are at their mercy, it's the tyranny of the majority here and now. The Dems promise these people free stuff and heavy taxes on "the rich" and this is the result. Democrat "paradise." Watch out it doesn't happen to all of you who still live in America.

By the way, the crime statistics in California correlated with which counties freely issue CCWs would tell the real story of crime in California. In my county, most requests for CCWs are granted, and crime is low.

