Results of My 2013 MN deer hunt. How was yours?

Here's my 2013 harvest. Not a buck but she'll do.
Second day into MN's State wide Deer Season. (modern rifles)

270 Win 130 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip (home brewed reload.)
Rem-700 MTN rifle. (wood not plastic)
Leupold VX-3_3-1/2-10

Shot traveled to point of aim.>150 yrds of so. Caught standing on the edge of a over grown old hay field. Easy shot. (for me.)
Just started to skin this doe in my leisure wear. When my son took this pix. I wasn't expecting that to happen no doubt with knife in hand. -6 below that morning w/ 15-20 mph wind from the N/w. Had to get that hide off before she froze completely was the plan. She pealed reasonable easy though.

BTW for reference of size. I'm over 6' by a penny or two in change _ 270 lbs. She's I'll say is about 3-3-1/2 yrs old.

Well mine is posted. Anyone else got something to show/add? I'd appreciate seeing yours or hearing about your hunt this year?

I got this one on opening day of rifle in N/E Fl,, Wife changed battery in camera & the date off..

Got some in the crock pot as I type,,,BBQ :D
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Congrats on your doe!

Mine was great. I was shooting the bull with a friend at camp, when I realized I had talked WAYYYY too long. By the time I got out to my stand, I had 30 minutes of light left. I figured it would be a wasted hunt if I tried to get into my tripod (loud metal when climbing and i was sure they'd bust me) so I decided to lay prone behind a small dirt mound. Sure enough, 20 minutes later out came a nice two year old doe. Took my shot, and due to being prone I lost sight of her due to the dirt kicking up. I saw her walking back into the woods and assumed i missed. Waited till dark, and checked for blood anyways. Sure enough, there was a massive blood trail leading to her 40 yards away. She wasn't the largest doe but she is easily my most memorable due to my luck and the shot itself.
My Congratulations to both of you YARDDOG(1)_&_Brotherbadger. Always good to meet a couple of woodsy sharp shooters now & then. And to AllenJ. good to see your comment here. And yes that doe was cold as a witch's ti_ that morning. {Notice my gloved hands} Minus -6 below that morning and the main garage door is left open for light and that gruesome Canadian breeze. Actually this is the second deer I quartered that day. Son shot a large Spike opening morning 2-days before. A couple of knife cuts and a battery De Walt sawsall makes short work of quartering._;)
Opening day today here in Indiana. Bought the rifle last night, quick sight in and was in the stand just before sunup.

Not a trophy by any means. But I didn't even see anything last year. 35-40 yard shot, leaning around the tree off the left side of my latter stand. 240gr 44 mag LNFP entered just behind the right ear and exited just below the left eye. No tracking for me :)

weighed in about a buck forty
fdntg: I read your post about this deer earlier in another thread. (Mully is it not?) Anyhow. I can't say I ever took a shot out to the distance like your deer required. When I need info on how to go about shooting a 1/4 mile distance. I'm looking you up for that expertize. {No doubt about that!!} I'm sure that deers chest mount is going to be impressive up on that wall. Congrats on a fine trophy Sir.

BerdanSS: what can I say. Your an old hand at this. Wouldn't expect to see a head shot with iron sights thought. But that's OK if you want to put the rest of us to shame who rely on glass for that purpose.:p {Scopes} Any~~way congrats on a nice piece of Indiana freezer meat. Always appreciate your pix & comments Sir.
Thanks Mc gee :) I was pretty excited when it fell clean kill. This was my first time getting to hunt with a lever action and all....and first time with a 44 mag to boot:D
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A buck and a doe with a 44 mag Handi-rifle on opening day.

It was super windy, but I got up high in my climbing stand and three walked right under me. I had a bonus tag, so I dropped two
Where I live no one is having any luck all the deer must have packed up their bags and moved to the city. Well anyway glad to see some one is putting meat on the table
goalie: You say two deer!!

I hunt in Zone (1) area 177. The 4-days I was up I never heard anyone fire two consecutive shots. You must have one of those honey holes someplace we all hear about. O well. Any~~way just kidding y'all a little. Congrats on your harvest this year neighbor.

Chad.C: Many times in my life I went quite a few days before seeing anything. On a couple occasions to the last day of season even. But I always remember what my old Pop told me: "He who spends the most time in the woods get's the deer." {Persistence pays.} Give it another try. You'll see. Luck of the Irish to you Sir.
Night before opening day, at 6:30pm, the moon was above the tree line. I was sitting in the truck awaiting my buddy's arrival. A deer just calmly walked across my path. I could have reached out the window with a handgun and taken that deer. But I did not. It was after legal shooting hours and the season was not to open until the next morning. The next morning I shot an 8-point with the mighty 44Mag. Took the deer to the processor and saw hundreds of deer there. I made my order and left the deer. Next morning, my buddy had a 4-point approach then stopped dead in it's tracks. They were watching each other. He made the move to grab the rifle and the deer bolted. Split in a flash never giving him the time to take a shot. At the same time my brother was taking a 6-point at a different location. So we had a little action.
Yeah, I have a "honey hole" for sure. Two deer a year for 4 straight years, with a few NICE northern MN bucks.

Our little bit of action continued this morning, but no deer taken. Buddy was perched high above on a ridge looking down below. I was at ground level a bit away looking along the edges of the woods. Buddy spotted two does casually walking along generally towards me. Asked later why I never shot? They were into the thick stuff a bit deeper into the dense woods. I never saw them. Had I been sitting in the woods instead looking at it, maybe I could have taken a doe. At least we have venison in the freezer and now we at least almost got some more. Buddy's shot would have been blocked by too many branches. After finding well used deer trails, we can sit there again later but poised better to get some clear shots.
I hunted six days in MN. I saw lots of fawns and missed the one bigger deer that I had a shot at on my last morning in camp. 120 yards, in an open field. Stopped at my whistle and I shot. The shot felt good, but I heard no hit, and the deer trotted off. After 45 minutes on the ground searching, I gave into the reality of a clean miss. Could have been worse I guess. I'd rather have a clean miss than a less-than-ideal shot. Our camp did well so I still had venison to bring home. Congrats to everyone who was successful!
Jbotto: well at least your hunting buddy's are willing to split theirs with you. But you still got the rest of this week and this coming weekend left. If your seeing fawns. There has to be some moms around. Or are you in a bucks only zone? BTW I never tried to whistle one. Occasionally I've tried sheep's baa and stop one or two long enough.

SteelChickenShooter: From your past writes you guys are doing good._ "Have to let a few go for seed."_ Would be a good answer to those pointed questions from your pals. Honestly you can't shoot what you can't see. Your idea of resetting your Stands sounds like a good one. "Never can tell what maybe slipping by you guys on the side of that ridge in close cover."
Sure Shot, the way our camp works is that if we help butcher, skin and share camp chores, we share venison at the end. We were in the management area with an either sex tag with a bonus antlerless. For the 7 people in camp, we did pretty well with 11 deer taken. Five of those were too small by my standards to shoot a bullet at. A couple nice little-antlered bucks with good bodies and a few good does completed the take. We were in the 200's zone so our season ended on Sunday. I work all this week and weekend so I won't be skipping over to the NE corner for the final weekend of that season. Maybe someday when I'm not working retail!
Jbotto: Sounds like you got a good bunch of guys to hunt with. Six days solid hunting is usually pretty satisfying. i.e. you (want too) go home by then. Working retail this time of year. Yup Business is business. Well. I'll probably see you around the threads. _:) Until then. Have a good Holiday neighbor.