Results Don't Matter?

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Let's see, our educators are handing out condoms faster than ever, holding silent minutes for the gay movement, pressing sex education into the lower grades and making it as graphic as possible. The same people likely would vote to disarm every law-abiding person of a firearm.

So syphlis is at a 7 year high, 25% of teen females have STD's (much higher percentage among black females) and cities like Philly, Chi and DC have "strong" gun controls and lots of gun crime (as well as other violent crime). Current techniques for preventing these trends are not working, but none of the advocacy groups behind these enlightened ideas is backing off.

When will someone look at and deal with results?

And these are people who educate our kids?

I am running out of ideas here. Anyone?

I'm in the mood for bullet points tonight :p

1. While I'm not exactly thrilled about high schools passing out condoms it's a hell of a lot better than just telling kids abstinence is the way to go. They're going to do it anyways, might as well give them the option to do it safely.

2. What the frak does the "gay movement" have to do with any of this and who's holding silent moments?

3. Sex education is important because ignorance and fear about sex does not stop kids from doing it. I don't know how you can call clinical descriptions "graphic" but it's preferable to saying "hoohoo" and "weewee". Granted, I do believe parents should be the ones responsible for teaching their kids about sex but some parents refuse to do so because it's taboo. Children should not be deprived of the facts of life simply because their parents are too embarrassed or prudish to bring them up.

There is a point where schools start teaching it at a far too early age, however. Elementary school is a little extreme; I wouldn't advocate anything earlier than 12-14, the average beginnings of puberty.

4. Banning firearms and sex education have nothing to do with each other.

5. There isn't some singular consciousness among educators as to what should and shouldn't be taught. It's not like they all have a meeting and agree to teach eight years old what vaginas look like right after they tell them how evil guns are.

6. I agree that current techniques are not working. Part of the reason is a lack of education.
Kids are going to do it anyway? Why not teach them how to do drugs, drink and race cars while we are at it? Abstinence does work when it's employed and many kids do subscribe to it. Wisdom is foolishness to the liberal.

1. I agree...teens are going to have sex so I would prefer they do it in a safe manner.

2. Nothing, that is just the original poster allowing his own personal prejudices and venom to spill into the thread.

3. Truth is, most parents do not teach there kids bout sex. They learn more on the street than they do their parents.

4. Correct

5. Correct

6. This is a bit of selective reason on the OP's post. Most of the studies I have read stress the fact that the rise is mostly due to a decrease in official sex education and a switch to "abstinence only" programs.
Kids are going to do it anyway? Why not teach them how to do drugs, drink and race cars while we are at it? Abstinence does work when it's employed and many kids do subscribe to it. Wisdom is foolishness to the liberal.
Sorry, maybe I was unclear. Drugs, drinking and driving fast are not natural, biological urges. The urge to procreate is in almost every human being that has ever been born, ever. It takes a medical disorder or strong drug therapy to keep someone from going through puberty. No amount of preaching abstinence or threats by parents or reading religious texts is going to stop that urge. Education can at least allow teens to make informed decisions about sex, to think logically about it.

Abstinence does not work nearly as well as some would like to believe. While some kids do subscribe to it, many do not. Telling a kid not to smoke a joint is a hell of a lot easier than telling a kid to ignore their own biology.

That being said, if kids weren't lied to about drugs and alcohol we wouldn't see such a problem with it. Telling kids that pot is a deadly drug that will ruin their lives and lead to smoking crack is a blatant lie that they will eventually discover, justifying for them the idea that if their parents, teachers and cops lied about the dangers of pot then they probably lied about everything regarding drugs.
They're going to do it anyways, might as well give them the option to do it safely.
The problem is that they don't use them. They get used as poker chips (True story) and as balloons and other party gags.

Why not teach them how to do drugs.....
I learned the basics from the DARE program. I wish more of the information had been based in fact and not propaganda though.

.....drink and race cars while we are at it?
Teaching teens about proper consumption of alcohol would be a good thing rather them learning the hard way. I can just see it, "OK class, this is a fruit cocktail. They taste great, but contain several shots worth of hard liquor. It is best to have these when eating and then only one or two. They take awhile to kick in so it is very easy to drink too many and end up passed out on the floor like Jimmy here has done."

As for cars, I took drivers ed in high school and it helped allot.
Kids are going to do it anyway? Why not teach them how to do drugs, drink and race cars while we are at it? Abstinence does work when it's employed and many kids do subscribe to it. Wisdom is foolishness to the liberal.

Most kids who are abstinent would be even with comprehensive sex education. I've seen more than enough numbers on abstinence-only sex education and virginity pledges to come to the conclusion that whether a kid is taught about condoms or not has a pretty minute effect on whether they'll have sex or not.

What it does seem to have some effect on is whether they'll use condoms when they do.

And I hate to break it to you, but they drink too. And many do drugs. Car racing is mostly limited to boys, so I guess that's a plus.

I think there are limits, of course...but at the same time, you've got to try to catch kids before they actually start having sex as well. Doesn't help much to tell a kid about condoms after they have herpes or are pregnant.

Besides which, as pointed it it's about as easy to say that this uptick in teen STD rates correlates with decreased sex education as with increased sex-ed.

I'll have to agree on the idea that stricter gun laws have little effect on crime, though. And I suppose you did manage to loosely relate the two issues. I'm still not seeing where the gay movement thing relates, but I suppose when you go with the shotgun approach it isn't surprising when a couple pellets miss entirely.
The problem is that they don't use them. They get used as poker chips (True story) and as balloons and other party gags.
Many don't, that's true. But better education and stressing the realities of sex - not puritanical beliefs and threats of punishment - will increase the chances of them being used and decrease the chances of kids having sex in the first place.

I know what you mean about the balloons, though. One was tossed around during the midnight premier of Revenge of the Sith. :rofl:
I'm in the mood for bullet points tonight
but I suppose when you go with the shotgun approach it isn't surprising when a couple pellets miss entirely.
see, we can keep things gun related! :D
Am I the only person here who's tired of being told that if you dont suscribe to the right wing "conservative" religious head-in-the-sand mantra, that you're anti-gun?

Sex, how you learn about it, and wether or not you use protection has nothing to do with guns rights.

Gay rights (or the lack of them) has nothing to do with guns rights as well. I also find it offensive that anything homosexual is assumed to be anti-gun, liberal, and many other worse things.

If you have a problem with the education your children recive, its your duty as a parent to see that they recive a proper education, wether it be home school, or private school.
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