Responsible deer hunting?


New member
Another deer season is nearly upon us so we are thinking and talking more about deer. Some really scary thoughts:

The deer herd is multiplying to alarming proportions. Nearly every doe I've seen on deer cam and on the side of the road this year has had 2 fawns. The man who runs the local feed store told Mrs. Meek he'd seen four deer starved to death in the woods last winter and this is in a part of the country which has no snow. A woman I know just had a wreck and totaled her car when she hit a big deer. Every year this happens to more than one of my associates so I wonder who's next. Another man I know lost his entire garden and I lost 12 young apple trees this year to deer depredation.

CWD is spreading and one major factor in its spread may be overpopulation. Anthrax is endemic in much of the south. Lyme disease is spreading. All these can be deer diseases and all it will take is one good epidemic and we won't have many deer for 30 years.

Please, people! Shoot 2 or 3 does for each buck you shoot. :(
Looking forward to the blossoming predator population as a result. Well, Lions that is - the wolves are going to be yet another problem... :rolleyes:
I love to go hunting, but I rarely shoot. Why? I do not eat the meat, and I have no use for the hides. Don't want to mount a trophy on the wall either. So I have never found justification to kill them. This may be the incentive to do so, but I am still left with the delima of what to with them once they are deceased. Any suggestions?

i've heard there are homeless shelters/soup kitchens where you can donate deer you've hunted. might want to look in to that
HOLY $#$# how many deer? I need to move, here in N.H. we have an average deer population of about 1 per square mile!!!! Southern N.H. where there is house on top of house and tons of posted land there are quite a few deer. When you get into the other 7/8 ths of the state thats where the population of deer is very low. I know several people who hunt the month long gun season and see zero deer. We look at deer season like good lord here we go again, self abuse, torture and at seasons end a trip to the doc to end the depression.
I am still left with the delima of what to with them once they are deceased. Any suggestions?

you can donate it as suggested and if you have relatives like mine youll be able to get rid af any deer you shoot in a matter of minutes.

As for the doe shooting i agree. Here in Saskatchewan you can get two doe tags free for mulies because there are far too many and they are beginning to encroach on white tail habitat.
For Bravo and Jseime.....

A possible answer to you guys' question of what do do when you've shot a deer (and for you Bravo, possible good rationale for doing so):

Check your state hunting regulations booklet - many states include a reference to Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry. How does it work? The reg booklet lists meat processors where you can drop off your field-dressed deer, and they will process the meat at no charge to you, and provide the meat (typically hamburger) to local homeless shelters ans soup kitchens - where it is VERY happily received, as protein is somethng that the kitchens don't typically carry in abundance.

Here in Maryland, deer donated by hunters equates to nearly half a million meals annually for the shelters. I too don't take as many shots as I'm presented, but last year I decided that (given the opportunity) I was going to shoot one doe each fall and donate it to FHFH. So I started that last year, plan to continue this year.

While you're at it, consider donating to FHFH, they do a great service in the United States.

Just my suggestion on how to solve your dilemma,

+ 1 on the donation. Jails, homeless shelters, battered women's shelters, area food banks, Community Action programs all are possibilities. Usually the only hassle involved is they expect you to field dress the deer. That should be done anyway before the deer is transported no matter what is its ultimate fate.

Yankee, I think it a rip that the southern states actually charge for a deer license and would charge more for out of state people willing to come down and help. I think they should make doe licenses free at least for the next 2 years.
I hunt mostly for Doe because I enjoy their meat better than buck. Plus there has to be about 5 doe per every buck I see. So I thin the heard out around here best as I can. It's good to hear others doanting their kill. I've been helping a friend of the family for a few years now. He's out of work and has a wife and 2 kids to feed, so every year I try and take one deer for his family. I'll butcher it and give all the meat to him. Good simple people and are always happy to receive it! Nice to know there is other hunters out there sharing the harvest.
Bravo25: Hunters for the Hungry. Most states have similar programs. Generally you take field stripped dear to your check station or to the meat cutter in your area and they process it free and give it to the local program.

N.H Yankee: Down on the Delmarva Peninsula (My Father lives in Eastville, VA). It averages about 5-6 deer per squar mile. The herd near my father's place averages about 25-30 head during rutting season. And not enough hunters or predators to keep them in check. We try to do our part, but I only get a couple weekends a year down there to do any hunting.