With the second of three scheduled "buy backs" in Knoxville, TN behind us it is time to reflect on our goals and why, in the
face of media and police resistance, as well as some ridicule from friends and neighbors, we persist.
There are more reasons to resist government tyranny, more reasons to resist destruction of the Constitution and rape of the
Second Amendment than I can list here. But, specific to Housing and Urban Development sponsored, and taxpayer funded,
gun "buy backs", the following is pertinent.
All of these "buy backs", each and every one, are being held in or near public housing projects. According to HUD "...locations
accessible to public housing residents." The effort is aimed at taking guns from low income people living in those housing
projects as clearly stated on the HUD website: http://www.hud.gov/buyback/
Question: What racial group occupies the majority of those projects?
Question: If, and I'm not saying it will ever happen, just asking "if", there occurs a breakdown in civil order as a result of a
perceived miscarriage of justice or because of general unrest brought on by a lack of opportunity, the chasm between the haves
and have nots, or perhaps even another case of perceived police brutaility, who would the government (read law enforcement)most like to have disarmed? Who would the effete elite, having neutered themselves if they practice what they preach, and ensconced in their upper class white enclaves, like to see disarmed?
Question: Why is the picture on the HUD website - http://www.hud.gov/buyback/bybkyourcmty.html - that of a Black police officer and a Black child? Why not a picture reflecting the "diversity" the liberal/socialist/communist effete elete of the radical left worship?
Question: If AlGore the junior is elected President how long do you think it will take for "buy backs" to become "take backs?"
Question: If Gore is elected President do you think Prince Albert the Junior will limit his "take backs" to the Black community?
Question: If Price Albert the Junior becomes president do you think the individual police officers in your community will enforce a "take back?" You had better ponder that one long and hard! You might even ask that question of your friends and neighbors
who are employed in law enforcement.
Question: Why is the police department in Knoxville, Tennessee, under the control of a supposed Republican mayor, in a city
with a strong politically conservative base, working so hard to disarm the Black popluation? Why in your town or city? Perhaps
the answer to that question can be found in the Knoxville, News Sentinel editorial of August 9th, a part of which states, "In
Knoxville alone, there are 289 fewer weapons that police have to worry about..."
Answer: It bears repeating, "In Knoxville alone, there are 289 fewer weapons that police have to worry about..." I know this
"buy back" is part of the KPD's "Safe Streets" campaign so the question occurs, whose safety are the police concerned with,
theirs or ours?
Suggestion: We can still win this fight and we can win it easier by enlisting new allies. I know there are several Black recipients
of this REF update (good morning, Robby) and there should be more. Those of us who are White have Black friends, acquaintances and co-workers. We need to engage them on this issue and ask the questions posed above. You might also ask them why the Black leaders in their community are not speaking out?
When it dawns on the larger Black community, those who do not knee-jerk for Jessie Jump-Up, that the entire "Buy Back
America" program, conceived in the oppresive minds of their great friend "the first Black president", Uncle Cuomo of HUD, and the heir apparent (whose father, as a United States Senator, voted against the Civil Rights Act - does the acorn fall far from
the tree?) is designed to deprive them of their ability to defend themselves and their families we will see an increased and
genuine resistance to impending government tyranny.
Victims of gun violence in this country are primarily our Black citizens. Criminals, of any skin pigmentation, do not surrender
their tools, their guns, for $50.00. Only the law abiding sheep, led astray by that Great Sheep Dog in the White House and other members of his dog pack such as Uncle Cuomo, Prince Albert the junior, Jessie Jump Up, and Dame Diane Feinsten, gladly surrender their means to resist the drug dealer, the mugger, the rapist and other thugs.
Of course Dame Diane, while working to take our guns, has a California concealed carry permit. The Great Sheep Dog, Uncle
Coumo and Prince Albert the junior enjoy the finest protection in the world from federal agents armed with fully automatic
weapons and the very latest technology. And they want our handguns.
We must all understand, and educate others to understand, that the police are not our protectors. They may be, and most truly
are, our friends, but "Protect and Serve" is so much B.S. propaganda designed to lull the sheep. The police are a reactive force.
We are responsible for our own safety. Call your local 911 center and ask how long it takes to dispatch an officer when a
citizen dials 911. Then call your local police/sheriff and ask how long it takes for an officer to arrive on scene after being
dispatched. Then ask yourself how long it takes your wife or daughter to be raped. Ask yourself how long it takes to be
accosted on the street and relieved of your valuables and, quite likely, your life. Ask yourself how long it takes a car-jacker to
throw you out of your vehicle and drive off with your child in the back seat.
This was originally posted to the Rights Education Fund e-mail list. If you wish to join the list an e-mail to efw@vic.com will do the job.
With the second of three scheduled "buy backs" in Knoxville, TN behind us it is time to reflect on our goals and why, in the
face of media and police resistance, as well as some ridicule from friends and neighbors, we persist.
There are more reasons to resist government tyranny, more reasons to resist destruction of the Constitution and rape of the
Second Amendment than I can list here. But, specific to Housing and Urban Development sponsored, and taxpayer funded,
gun "buy backs", the following is pertinent.
All of these "buy backs", each and every one, are being held in or near public housing projects. According to HUD "...locations
accessible to public housing residents." The effort is aimed at taking guns from low income people living in those housing
projects as clearly stated on the HUD website: http://www.hud.gov/buyback/
Question: What racial group occupies the majority of those projects?
Question: If, and I'm not saying it will ever happen, just asking "if", there occurs a breakdown in civil order as a result of a
perceived miscarriage of justice or because of general unrest brought on by a lack of opportunity, the chasm between the haves
and have nots, or perhaps even another case of perceived police brutaility, who would the government (read law enforcement)most like to have disarmed? Who would the effete elite, having neutered themselves if they practice what they preach, and ensconced in their upper class white enclaves, like to see disarmed?
Question: Why is the picture on the HUD website - http://www.hud.gov/buyback/bybkyourcmty.html - that of a Black police officer and a Black child? Why not a picture reflecting the "diversity" the liberal/socialist/communist effete elete of the radical left worship?
Question: If AlGore the junior is elected President how long do you think it will take for "buy backs" to become "take backs?"
Question: If Gore is elected President do you think Prince Albert the Junior will limit his "take backs" to the Black community?
Question: If Price Albert the Junior becomes president do you think the individual police officers in your community will enforce a "take back?" You had better ponder that one long and hard! You might even ask that question of your friends and neighbors
who are employed in law enforcement.
Question: Why is the police department in Knoxville, Tennessee, under the control of a supposed Republican mayor, in a city
with a strong politically conservative base, working so hard to disarm the Black popluation? Why in your town or city? Perhaps
the answer to that question can be found in the Knoxville, News Sentinel editorial of August 9th, a part of which states, "In
Knoxville alone, there are 289 fewer weapons that police have to worry about..."
Answer: It bears repeating, "In Knoxville alone, there are 289 fewer weapons that police have to worry about..." I know this
"buy back" is part of the KPD's "Safe Streets" campaign so the question occurs, whose safety are the police concerned with,
theirs or ours?
Suggestion: We can still win this fight and we can win it easier by enlisting new allies. I know there are several Black recipients
of this REF update (good morning, Robby) and there should be more. Those of us who are White have Black friends, acquaintances and co-workers. We need to engage them on this issue and ask the questions posed above. You might also ask them why the Black leaders in their community are not speaking out?
When it dawns on the larger Black community, those who do not knee-jerk for Jessie Jump-Up, that the entire "Buy Back
America" program, conceived in the oppresive minds of their great friend "the first Black president", Uncle Cuomo of HUD, and the heir apparent (whose father, as a United States Senator, voted against the Civil Rights Act - does the acorn fall far from
the tree?) is designed to deprive them of their ability to defend themselves and their families we will see an increased and
genuine resistance to impending government tyranny.
Victims of gun violence in this country are primarily our Black citizens. Criminals, of any skin pigmentation, do not surrender
their tools, their guns, for $50.00. Only the law abiding sheep, led astray by that Great Sheep Dog in the White House and other members of his dog pack such as Uncle Cuomo, Prince Albert the junior, Jessie Jump Up, and Dame Diane Feinsten, gladly surrender their means to resist the drug dealer, the mugger, the rapist and other thugs.
Of course Dame Diane, while working to take our guns, has a California concealed carry permit. The Great Sheep Dog, Uncle
Coumo and Prince Albert the junior enjoy the finest protection in the world from federal agents armed with fully automatic
weapons and the very latest technology. And they want our handguns.
We must all understand, and educate others to understand, that the police are not our protectors. They may be, and most truly
are, our friends, but "Protect and Serve" is so much B.S. propaganda designed to lull the sheep. The police are a reactive force.
We are responsible for our own safety. Call your local 911 center and ask how long it takes to dispatch an officer when a
citizen dials 911. Then call your local police/sheriff and ask how long it takes for an officer to arrive on scene after being
dispatched. Then ask yourself how long it takes your wife or daughter to be raped. Ask yourself how long it takes to be
accosted on the street and relieved of your valuables and, quite likely, your life. Ask yourself how long it takes a car-jacker to
throw you out of your vehicle and drive off with your child in the back seat.
This was originally posted to the Rights Education Fund e-mail list. If you wish to join the list an e-mail to efw@vic.com will do the job.