Reserve LEO training?


New member
I have tried asking both current and former police from my state and cannot get an answer. Thus, I will ask here:

What are the general requirements for becoming a reserve LEO, (Perferably in MI)?
Did you check to see if where you live has such a program? Not every state/jurisdiction does and they tend to come and go with politics. If your local law enforcement won't help you then that's not a good sign. It's a big thing here but that's the way it is down South!
Mostly the same entrance reqs

Around here the academies are different. We have two main academies for full time LEOs, which are paramilitaristic in style and full-time. One in Shelton, down the road from the WCC (for WSP)and one in Burien for city, county, and corrections. The reserves, on the other hand, go part time, eves. Background, PAT etc. should be the same.

If it were me, I would just plan on meeting the same standards and train hard. I hope that helps.

Sheriff's Reserve in the county I reside is very basic. First aid, a few defensive tactics, and such. Reserves carry no cuffs, guns, spray, nightstick, or anything else resembling a weapon. Reserves are give a windbreaker, a baseball cap, and if they are lucky a radio. Reservists are given posts watching parking lots etc....

The whole setup is one of eyes and ears. Most of the reservists are up in age. It is sort of like the the home guard with out the pitch forks.

The regular PD's in the area have Auxiliaries who go through an academy. Auxiliaries drive RMP's like the regulars. They have cuffs, sticks, pepper spray,
and shotguns in the back of the RMP to be used in case of County wide emergencies. The Auxiliaries have Peace Officer status and thus can process an arrest if necessary. The training is fairly extensive and the Auxiliaries wear a complete uniform sans a gun.

I guess definitions of reservist vary across the country and from state to state as well as from county to county. Reservists here are strictly eyes and ears. More is the pity.
No sidearms, and they drive a ptrol car, and have powers of arrest? That has to be the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

Here, reserves have FULL police powers, on and off duty. Furthermore, they carry a sidearm, and can carry off duty at will, without a CCW permit, or the restrictions therein.
They don't answer jobs. Hey, welcome to New York State where if it makes sense they won't do it. Some of the Auxiliaries have CCW off duty but don't carry while on duty. All in all it is silly.

Here in WA, there is a separate Reserve academy standard, consisting of a minimum of 220 hours of training prior to starting duty.

Most agencies that have Reserve Officers operate with three or four levels of Reserve Officer. Level 4's are fresh out of the academy; Level 3's have completed FTO, but are still on probation; Level 2's have completed probation but are still required to ride with another officer. Level 1's are considered fully qualified Officers while within their jurisdiction. Of course, this is a generalization, and can and does vary widely between agencies.

WA State Reserve Officers have to go through the same hiring process and guidelines as a full time Officer. Moreover, the authority granted to Reserve Officers is codified under the Revised Code of Washington.

I am a Level 1 Reserve, having well over 2000 hours of patrol time with my current agency. I am expected to act as a regular Officer within my jurisdiction; in fact, our Department guidelines state that Reservists will be armed with their duty sidearm, and carry their badge, commission card and handcuffs within their jurisdiction.

I can and do patrol shifts at least once per week, sometimes more.

(For those in NY State--come out to Washington State. you'll be appreciated here!)
Thank you all for the help.

I have found as I said before, that none of the local police will answer my questions. However, I have found that the MSP are than willing to provide answers to any questions I may have.:cool:

Kind Regards,
Hi Anthony2,

Ten years ago I was an auxiliary officer in Inkster, Michigan. At that time, and it's still the same today, they ran their own certified auxiliary officer academy. Anyone living close enough to be involved, with a clean record, could join. We carried firearms, and had training similar to what the full time officers received. We would ride shotgun on patrols with the regulars, but we also did a lot of our own operations with the department's detectives. The auxiliary officers would do drug sweeps, prostitution stings, and a lot of other fun stuff. I heard that these days it is more of a ride along program, but if you live in Metro-Detroit it might be worth checking out.

Like I said, its been awhile since I was involved, but back then almost all the other auxiliary/reserve programs sent their officers through the auxiliary officer academy at Schoolcraft College. Garden City (no longer has auxiliary officers), Wayne County, Van Buren twp., and Farmington Hills were some of the departments who had auxiliary programs. To take the Schoolcraft course you needed to be sponsored by a department, so maybe if you contact them, they can tell you which cities have programs. Of course, that advice is only good if you live in Metro-Detroit
In Wisconsin, some Sheriff and Police Departments have Reserve or Aux Officers/Programs. It generally varies, depending on the jurisdiction, as to whether they are sworn or not, meaning it they are allowed arrest powers. From my experience most are not. What is common though are agencies who hire Part-time or Limited Term Officers. PT or LTE Officers are required to receive the same training and update training that a "Full-time, Certified Law Enforcement Officer" receives.

My agency only hires a few Part-time Deputies, who are Certified L.E. Officers, to supplement our full-time Deputies.

The WI Law Enforcement Standards Board sets the standards for "Certified Law Enforcement Officers". These standards outline the required training, education and employment, needed to be a certified officer. If you have access to you can search for these standards or look up the Wisconsin Administrative Code for Law Enforcement Standards.

Good Luck with your search!