Resent History dimly seem...

Nestor Rivera

New member
I would like to remind my fellow pro-2nd friends about what was happening in congress
not to long ago. A bill was moving though the house to REPEAL the Assult Weapns Bill, A bill was moving in the House to Repeal or radicaly modify Brady. And President Clinton looked like a 1 termer (oh where it so) but then T.Mc Veigh(sp) did somting SO EVIL and Stupid that ALL forward movment was stoped and may onle defencive actions could be taked because bill clinton (low caps on purpose) demogoged and LIED about what happend in OKC and the press helped him that just about all we could due was hunker down and wait but bc must lead a charmed life as every time we moved even a little some screwup shot some people and bc and the press blamed US...

So next time you complaing about the Republicans not doing much just remember that on the national stage it is NOT an even playing field, when bc can cry his crocadile tears about saveing the children and ABC/NBC/CNN et all tell everybody that he is right and that we are a bunch of loons or worse baby killers.

A major change had allready been made to CGA 68 WAS passed that allowed for the import of millsurps which was led by Republicans...

[This message has been edited by Nestor Rivera (edited July 16, 1999).]