Research into 'hot' burglary rates

Jeff Thomas

New member
I'm helping a new friend with research into so-called 'hot' burglary rates, using comparisons between democratic, industrialized countries. 'Hot' burglaries are what we call home invasion robberies - residential burglaries, where the occupants are in the home at the time of the crime.

We're looking specifically at England, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the Netherlands. We'll use data from other countries as well, if it is available.

I understand this data may be hard to come by, since we are looking specifically for 'hot' residential burglaries.

Friends, I appreciate any leads you can supply. I'll need to get to the raw data, so I'll need URL's, publication information, etc. to the extent you know where to find the data. I'm searching as well - I'm not expecting you to do this work for me, but I'm asking for any helpful leads you can provide.

Thanks for your help. Regards from AZ
Just a thought, but all of these countries have shooting sports associations. It would probably be easy to find these on the web, and they might be able to give you better leads on the information you need.

Don't trust anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesn't die.
Jeff, isn't a "hot burglary" ANY burglary where the residents are home? (which would include both "home invasions" AND others where the residents did NOT immediately know of the burglary - they are sleeping, etc.). A home invasion is both a burglary and a robbery, whereas the latter type of burglary would not also be a robbery.
Futo Inu, I believe you are correct - a 'hot' burglary would be any burglary in which the residents are at home during the crime.

Brasso, thanks - good idea.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics should be the best place to look. I don't know if they differentiate between "hot" and "cold", though -- it might just be listed as UEWI (Unauthorised Entry With Intent).

That should take you to their search engine. Try different keywords such as break and enter, burglary, UEWI etc.

I believe it's gone UP here anyway.


Bruce, thanks for the tip. I had you specifically in mind when I started this thread! Hoped you would weigh in on this issue.

Take care ... mate! ;)

Regards from AZ

My pleasure, mate. If'n you don't have any luck there, try e-mailing the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia's Gary Fleetwood (Special Operations) and see if he can help. He's a really nice bloke -- oh, provided you keep your e-mails short ;)


I for one would be interested in what you come up with. Can you post your findings?

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