
Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Many years ago (1964 or so) my Dad bought me a shotgun for dove hunting. I used it for a couple of years with little success. I then talked him into getting me a 20 Ga single shot (which I still have). The original shotgun faded into history.

It had stayed in my Mom's pantry as a snake gun for years and rarely saw the light of day. I was on active duty and visits home were few and far between. Got married and lost track of the shotgun - but figured it was around the house.

Fast forward several years.

Dad died and I took most of the guns (Mom retained several) and transferred them to my place. The original shotgun had disappeared. No one knew the circumstances or where it disappeared to.

Two weekends ago my sister sponsered a mini family reunion to capture the oral family history. She mentioned the history we have of hunting and one of my uncles piped up about the .410 he had borrowed many years ago.

Sunday we made the transfer and my little single shot .410 bolt action with no serial number or front sight is back home. I don't think my uncle (bless him) ever understood the number of lions, tigers and bears that fell to that gun in my 7 year old mind. But it's home and hopefully one day will start another youngster down the same dirt road...

Thanks, Giz, great story. I have great fondness for family guns, and deeply regret the ones that have fallen by the wayside.

And they should be passed on, to another link in the chain...