"required reading" the debunking of "reasonable restrictions"


New member
A longish essay, it may have been previously mentioned, see CNN website, discussion titled Guns Under Fire, post # 32907 for link. Written by Olson & Kopel, dealing with historical and contemporary development of "gun control" in Great Britain and The U.S.

The link your were kind enough to suppply doesn't work with IE. It does work with netscape. IE "could not contact server", for whatever reason.

Just curious as to the following: Have you read ythe essay, whayt do you think of it, and what it has to offer, for this country, and our cxivil rights as well as "gun rights"??
Funny, I'm using IE4 and it works just fine. If you're using that misbegotten POS IE5, there's no telling what might happen.

Concerning the article itself, it's excellent, but the main points will be lost when (if) the gun bigots read it. You know what they'll say: "They're having problems because they didn't enact the restrictions correctly! WE can do it better!"

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property,
or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called into question.."
Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
My EI5 worked jest peachy keen.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Alan, I think you may be trying to access
the link from behind a proxy server. If so, you need to configure IE to know to use the proxy.

As far as the essay, I did read it and thought it was very good. I've read quite a few things by Kopel and find that he consistently writes very well thought out, researched, scholarly work. I thought it was great how he tied the whole thing into the broader subject of loss of civil rights and not just the loss of gun rights. If there is any hope of getting the non-gun owner
on our side, its going to be waking them up to that broad loss of rights we've been experiencing in the latter part of this century. Kopel shows how all of these things are related.

[This message has been edited by pbash (edited December 03, 1999).]
pbash, you wrote, and I most strongly agree:

If there is any hope of getting the non-gun owner on our side, its going to be waking them up to that broad loss of rights we've been experiencing in the latter part of this century. Kopel shows how all of these things are related.

Is it not strange, how many, many people fail to see such an obvious relationship??

As for IE, it is, as Dell furnished it, I believe 4.0, and mostly, except for logging on to guns.com, unused. Have been thinking about upgrading to the current version, I believe it is 5.0, but haven't done so as yet. Netscape, for some reason, completely and suddenly "droped the ball", re access to guns.com. Don't know why, it just did.