Required for the following reason?


I am completing my NYS Pistol Permit Application to be submitted in Niagara County as I type this.

I am looking for any reccomendations on how to answer the following question:

"A license is required for the following reason:"

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
How about...

"Because 911 is less effective than 1911"

"Because a cordless phone doesn't have the effective range I prefer"

"Because waking up unarmed at 2AM to a home invasion isn't on my 'do' list"

"Because driving to Vermont whenever I want some range time is unreasonable"

"Because the 2nd Amendment says I can bear arms--and you think I need a license--so I'm trying to be cooperative and tolerant with political ignorance"

Wow, I could spout these off all night...
I would definitely NOT use any of the above suggestions. I agree with almost all of them, but if you want to have the .gov approve your privilege, you need to say what the .gov wants to hear.

Do you know anybody in your county who has a pistol permit? Ask them what they put on their application.

Keep asking around various Internet bulletin boards, eventually you'll find someone who has actually applied for and received permission to keep and bear a handgun.

When they say "required", I think they mean it. Unless you can tell them why you cannot continue to live without it, they'll probably turn you down. (Although I understand certain counties in NYS are practically "shall issue.")

Hope this helps. :)
Good answer, but perhaps not what they expect...

"For all legal purposes for which this permit is required."

Usually they are looking for sonething like "hunting and sporting purposes" or (the dreaded) "self protection".

Take some time, and find out about the issuing agency (judge). It is entirely at their option to approve or disprove for any or no reason at all.

30+ years ago when I lived in NY, one judge I knew of would only approve an application if it said "hunting and sporting" purposes. If it said "self protection" on it , he would deny it outright. A different judge in the next county would not approve a permit for any purpose other than "self protection".

Seriously, find out what they want to see, (and do so from more than one source, if possible) and write what they will approve. Otherwise, there is a good chance of no permit.

Good Luck.

And, if you can, let us know what, and how it worked.
keep it simple: Hunting, target and personal protection. I believe Niagara still only has one permit to cover all, with no restrictions.

kenny b
keep it simple: Hunting, target and personal protection. I believe Niagara still only has one permit to cover all, with no restrictions.

When I turned 21, I discovered that I had the same name as a convicted felon. (Nothing spectacular, just armed robbery, IIRC.) I ended up having a long telephone conversation with the Indiana State Police officer in charge of processing permit requests. His advice was to list the statutory reasons (see above). In Indiana, this meant "personal protection."

Bottom line: Keep it simple. Don't get too creative.
you're at the heart of the problem for handgun permits in NYS. It is incredibly arbitrary, with the rules changing from county to county. Hopefully there is someone on the board or someone you know that has successfully applied in Niagara county.
Personal protection, target and hunting are good reasons.
My experience is that asking for personal protection will not harm your application, but not asking for it means you won't get it. Most of the time. I got lucky.
I was fortunate enough to get a very sympathetic county police officer in Monroe county doing my phone interview. I hadn't stated personal protection, as at the time, I wasn't sure I really wanted to carry. I explained why I was getting the permit, and he actually amended my application, and apparently recommended I get a full carry license, because that was what I ended up with.
Keep all your answers simple and short, but be sure to be completely honest. Any inconsistencies will lead to suspicion. Any omissions of convictions will definitely get your application denied.
Good luck. My understanding is Niagara county is one of the better places to apply.
Im a pistol permit instructor in NY in Chautauqa county. Most permits except NYC and Nassau County are unrestricted so when you get it your good to carry except in certian areas (post office, schools ect.) The judge likes to see hunting, collecting, target shooting. self defense MAY require further explination or get a denial. If your record is clean you'll be fine.