request permission to pick some brains.

number 9

New member
I try to do something good to myself on ocassion, got a new Savage 10fcp-k coming soon. I am going at this time with a Nikon monarc gold 2.5x10 using the 6 screw 30mm rings. I am also thinking about using an elevated 20 moa rail.. The rifle will be purchased first then the optic comes later .

I am going to throw a bullet out and am interested in the replies The cal is 308 / 762 the projectile is speer 165 gr btsp It has a published b/c of.520 and flies well for me.I usually mate it with with 4064 or varget for my best results.

At this time I only load hunting type rounds but if I find a target type projectile that preforms above and beyond this will be a great bonus

I havn't seen the use of the speer 165 gr btsp listed much. I just wondered what the boards thought of this projectile.
If I understand what you're after, I think the popular choices for .308 target bullets are the 168 and 175 (also the Palma 155) grain Sierra BTHP Match bullets. Berger VLDs may suit as well, and I'm sure there are at least dozens of other options that have worked for someone.

I hope that helps, addresses the topic, and gets the ball rolling.
I don't personally use Speer bullets very often, but I've had great results when I do. Sierra's have always been my first choice to test accuracy with rifles and if I feel the need for a better constructed bullet for hunting I usually go to the Nosler Partition. The only experience I've had with that bullet is I loaded up some the 165 BTSP Speers in my brother-in-law's .30-06 and he shot a couple of pigs in TX with them. Two shots two dead pigs, other than that my main experience has been with the TNT in varmint rounds.
I don't use Speer bullets in my rifles but do use a lot of Sierra MatchKings. My Savage 10 fcp HS-Precision likes the 175 gr over a load of Varget. I get very consistent sub-MOA results and every now and then I can push it below 1/2 MOA. I've also shot the 168 gr SMKs with good results too.
The factory loads that I shoot in the M1A are all about 145-147 gr. The M1A shoots those loads pretty good.

My bolt gun ( 700P ) just will not shoot that weight bullet worth a crap.

I get the 250 pack of Nosler 168 gr. bullets or 175 gr. SMK and that rifle just shoots great.
I have a Savage 10 FP (the older model before the FCP-K came out).
It likes the 150 and 168 grain Sierra Match King and 155 and 168 grain Nosler Custom Competition bullets the best.

My rifle happens to shoot the Noslers just a bit more accurately overall, but there are a few SMK loads that are really good too. The Noslers like to be seated out about 0.020 - 0.030 COAL more than the Sierras because of the long pointy bullet shape.

My rifle also shoots Berger bullets well but I admit that I haven't gotten the optimum load and seating depth for the Berger 150 and 168 grain bullets yet but I'm still working on it. They also have a very long bullet shape.

I also shoot 175 SMKs, Nosler CCs and Bergers but the heavier weight bullets don't group as well at 100 yards - almost 0.100 more on average - but there are a few good loads that work almost as well as the 150s and 168s. The 175s do seem to hold their own at 200 yards.

Every barrel is different so you might find that 175s or heavier shoot best in your rifle.
Sierra 155 Palma

I have the 10FCP HS Precision... 3.5"@ ~800. It shoots the 155 AMax bullet about the same. For whatever reason, it likes Remington nickel plated brass, Reloder 15, and CCI BR2 primers.
Speer ?

Have a 30-06 that likes the speer 180gr spitzer soft points over IMR 4064. Great hunting load, 1" groups at 100yds all day and they mushroom out text book perfect. Haven't tried the 165s, if they work for you, stick with em.:)
I just bought the FCP-K my self . I'll be picking it up from the LGS in ten days . I paid just over $900 out the door .

I bought 175gr SMK-BC of 496, Hornady 178gr AMAX-BC of .495 and 165gr SST-BC of .447 to start out with . None of these have a BC over .5 so I'm going to check out those speer 165 gr btsp that have a published b/c of.520 . That is pretty good for a 165gr bullet . That seems to be to good of a BC for such a light bullet . I'll do some research on that . If anybodies got a link that confirms that BC I'd love to have it .
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My Savage 308 likes 175 SMK's also-Model 12 FVSS. I did try some 155 SMK in palms and Hybrid. Shot them very nice also,but decided to stay with the 175.
RL-15 powder here all the way
metalgod you can verify the b/c on the Speer site. Also the midway site has info including the .520 published b/c.

I have used these projectiles for several years now. They're consistent,come in boxes of 100, are very effective for hunting and range work, fly great for a lead tipped projectile and sell for around $22 /23.00 per hundred. (2012 price). They just work for me. Tries and true to 600

Let us know your results.
Thanks, Leonard
I would shoot 210 Bergers.

Those are a little heavy for the .308, and most make the OAL too long to feed from the magazine.

The max velocity for them is typically around 2400 fps, and that is approaching a compressed load of powder.

number 9, I would recommend either the Sierra 168gr or 175 gr BTHP Matchking. Varget is a good powder with both.
Sierra's 30 caliber 168 HPMK's proved dismal for long range accuracy (past 600 yards) from a .308 Win. case. That's why the US Army asked Sierra to make a 175 with a longer boattail so it would remain supersonic at 1000 yards from the 7.62 NATO case. The M852 round's original Sierra 168 was nororious for going subsonic at around 800 yards in 22 and 24 inch barrels as well as well worn 26 inch ones.

With 22 to 26 inch barrels in .308 Win., bullets having the best long range accuracy record are the 175's through 200 grain weights. 240's and 250's have been used, but only with longer leades so the bullet wouldn't seat too deep in the case. Bullets lighter than 170 grains need at least a 28 inch barrel and 155's have to leave at 2950 fps or more so 30 inch ones are the norm for use at 1000 yards. That was proved back in 1991 when the 155's were first used in long range competition and performed dismally in barrels less than 28 inches at 6600 feet elevation.

And no powder's equalled IMR4064 for bullets 175 to 190 grains or IMR4350 for 200's in the .308 case as far as accuracy's concerned. Varget's great for lighter ones such as 155's, but not these heavies. There's one or two Norma powders at the same speed as IMR4064 that'll give it a run for the money.

For best accuracy, you can slug your barrel's bore, measure its groove diameter then find bullets a few ten thousandths larger. Too bad Lapua no longer makes their excellent 185-gr. FMJRB match bullet at .3092" (7.85mm) that shot so well in factory oversize 30 caliber barrels.
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I did check and midway . They do both show that the speer 165 gr btsp has a BC of .52 . How ever the speer website has the BC of there 168gr match bullet at .53 and midway has it at .48 . I wonder if they are getting that BC cus they are pushing them faster then you will ever get out of a .308 . I know you get 2 or 3 different BC readings at different velocity's . The 175gr SMK has 3 BC ratings . .505 for 2800fps and above , .496 between 2800 and 1800 fps , .485 @ 1800 fps and below . I'm not finding any loads that push the 175gr SMK safely much faster then 2700fps . I guess what I.m saying here is , I'm still in a bit of denial about that .52 BC of the speer 165 gr btsp .

My balistic calculator says @ 2700fps that bullet will shoot 1400yds . :eek: a 308 staying super sonic that far :confused:. I can get the 200gr SMK to match that data but thats at 2700fps . I dont think anybody can get that out of a 308 . It will also drop 80 feet at that distance . I don't even have enough adjustment in my scope for that . Im still going to buy some to check them out . I've been wrong before .
Metal God-- I was getting 2710 with 175 SMK's out of a 26 inch barrel,but was also showing extractor marks on brass,so i ditched that idea fast
Extractor marks are normal. Just depends on how they look as to whether they are indicative of excess pressure. Every WBY factory load I have ever shot leaves an extractor mark. Its the flowing extractor marks you have to worry about.