Republican Space Rangers

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The Grand Theft Auto thread rightfully got shut down for spinning out of control, and I'm part of the reason it went in that direction. I don't fully understand Wyldman's arguement, but to be fair here is the very specific portion of the game that he was concerned about, "The Republican Space Rangers" cartoon in it's entirety. This contains profane language, so if you don't want to watch I will summerize for you. The Republican Space Rangers are three dim witted, beer bellied, slack jawed yokels with latent homosexual tendencies that zoom around the universe destroying peaceful alien cultures in the name of democracy. To put it in context of how you come across this while playing the video game - there are safe houses in the game where you go to save your progress. When you are at a safe house it is set up as an actual living space where you can change your wardrobe, go to sleep or watch T.V. If you turn on the t.v., a show like this one will come on (already in progress). There are usually five or six different shows playing all on different channels that you have to flip through.

Now you are more fully aware of semi hidden content in the video game and can decide for yourself if this product is right for you.
It's is remarkable how pervasive the extremist anti-war left is in every aspect of the communications and entertainment industry. To these true believers, no opportunity to push their agenda, no matter how small, can be overlooked.

One thing that works against the anti-war left in this case is the innate ability of most teens to instantly see through attempts to propagandize them. Many will wind up supporting the war effort and the military in general a little more after having seen this shrill anti-war propaganda.

1) Its not the violence, the criminal glorification, the foul language, the sheer idiocy of the game... its the crass political satire that angers people?

2) If you don't like it, don't buy it.

3) If you are a parent and your child wants it, refer to point two.

what's next, complaining that Michael Moore isn't 100% fair? or that Mariah Carey 's voice could be used to call in Cyotes? If ya don't like it, don't buy it. Save the over the top outrage for something meaningful... Like being enraged that you can't eject a partially loaded clip from your Garand in "Call of Duty 2".



1) Its not the violence, the criminal glorification, the foul language, the sheer idiocy of the game... its the crass political satire that angers people?

Where did anyone exclude the possibility of criticism of the other objectionable aspects of this piece?
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I played all the GTA series, and when this one comes out for PC, I'll get it too.

After watching just 2 minutes of that stupid video, I just won't watch the tv in the game...problem solved for me.:rolleyes:
cool hand luke
It's is remarkable how pervasive the extremist anti-war left is in every aspect of the communications and entertainment industry

There are many on the right who are also anti-war... especially when the war is the first time in our nations history that the USA is the unprovoked aggressor.... but I digress.
Personally, I have never watched "Republican Space Rangers" until today, simply because I don't find it funny. I don't mean that in a "it hurts my feelings" sort of way, I mean it in a "this is so old and tired, unoriginal and simply not funny" sort of way. But put in context this goofy T.V. show has a valid place in the video game. The game is set in a caricature of New York City. I've never been to New York but rumor has it that the politics is extremely liberal there. In that sense, there is nothing devious about having over the top liberal t.v. shows playing in an over the top caricature of a real life liberal city.
There are many on the right who are also anti-war... especially when the war is the first time in our nations history that the USA is the unprovoked aggressor.

I'm not sure I would agree that the US intervention in Iraq was completely unprovoked despite the lack of any connection to the 9/11/2001 attacks. And the US has been an unprovoked aggressor many times. Look to the US interventions in Central America and the Philippines for just a few examples.

Bottom line: you just don't see this type of constant, all pervasive, shrill presence of the anti-war right's viewpoint as you do with the anti-war left.

You also don't see this kind of knee-jerk anti-military rhetoric by the anti-war right either.
especially when the war is the first time in our nations history that the USA is the unprovoked aggressor....

Well I wouldnt say the first time...

As for the space rangers, Its funny for all of two minutes the gets real old. No matter how you cut it, its probably the best video game ever...
I dont know about you guys, but I actually found that video funny. Just relax and laugh at it! Its not a subversive attempt to undermine the goverment, its entertainment.

I don't care who ya"ll are, that be funny right there!!!
meh...i hadnt seen that before,far below par for GTA humor imo.

they really went out of their way on that one with the politics as well.:(
especially when the war is the first time in our nations history that the USA is the unprovoked aggressor....
Is that unprovoked because the continual Iraqi violation of the cease fire agreement by repeatedly firring on our aircraft over the course of several years doesn't count? Cause the Navy pilots I talked to who were fired on didn't really think it was funny, if the Iraqis were just kidding all those times.....
Maybe we just didn't get the joke.

We didn't need a new excuse to invade, so don't bother pointing out the reasons Bush gave.We already had plenty of justification based on cease fire violations. If they didn't want to fight, they shouldn't have repeatedly fired on us in violation of the agreement they made. sucks for them.

As for the video game, I played the first one, thought it as boring, and haven't bothered with any others. I'm not real keen on the whole premise of the game anyways, personally, but its just a game, I could careless if others want to play. As to the Republican video thing, I'm not surprised. most of the people designing these games are in their early to mid 20's, so fairly fresh out of college, and college is a bastion of liberal thought and indoctrination anymore, so it's not surprising. What I find funniest, is most (not all) of the anti-war people seem to be generally clueless on history, politics, and relevant facts. It's mainly a resurgence of the 60's hippie, anti-war, protest culture. it was the "cool" thing to do then, and it is again now, especially with the nostalgia to the 60's factor.

young people are rebellious of basically whatever their parent's ideology is. My parents were, I was, and it cotinues....
Every version of that game I've ever played had stuff in it poking fun at both sides.

Seriously. Some people need a thicker skin.

/off to see this video

Folks, it's a game. Like it or don't. Play it or don't.

Games are not a political issue, even if they include some political "drama." Contrary to the OP, the other thread was shut down precisely because it was off topic... Just like this one.
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