Republican Party Platform requests your input.


New member

This might be coming to a close but if we can flood the site with RKBA maybe we'll get some attention - I wonder what 20000 emails would do today?

Under "Which issue is most important to you?", select "Other" - or maybe Homeland Security if you think we need to be ready for adverse activities.

[This is also posted on TFL for maximum exposure, I suggest ONE site or the other - too many "same names" would void the impact.]

The fact that we have to choose "Other" in the pull-down menu speaks volumes about the importance of the Second Amendment to Republicans. :barf:

I sent 'em a piece of my mind a few days ago.
Done, and shared with others.

Amen, Bluesman. <shaking head>

BTW, for the "Other" heading you're asked to fill in, I put, "Liberty, of course!"

My parting shot was to tell them that those third parties are looking better and better.
I would like to see our party take a strong stand with regard to our right to keep and bear arms. We are no less tasked with the security of our beloved nation than were our forefathers. Our nation's security is everyone's responsibility.

I would like to see our President rise to the occassion in these next four years, and revitalize the Civilian Marksmanship Program. I would like to see him instill a sense of pride in America again that will encourage citizens to take responsibility for their nation's many freedoms. Armed free people, remain free people.

Thank you for your time.