Republic Arms out of Business


New member
Republic Arms, a cousin to Davis Industries in the Los Angeles area, has apparently folded up. The only product of this company was the Patriot .45, an excellent value among compact, DAO autos. Republic has apparently transferred its machinery and plans to Cobra Arms, which will sell the pistol as C45. Cobra has a website, but it takes about a half hour to load. As a happy owner of a Patriot, I am sorry to hear about this development. I imagine that the reason for the failure of Republic is a failure to advertise and market this excellent product. People who somehow managed to hear about this gun and wanted to buy one, would be hard pressed to find one to examine, much less one to buy. Many consider the Patriot to be, in effect, the .45 equivalent or analog to the Kel-Tec pistols, but I think there have been much fewer problems with the Patriot.

This is sad news. I first heard about the Patriot on Free Isn't that a shame? I read all the gun rags, go to gun shows, etc. Yet I read about the Patriot on a political news forum.

Basically, that speaks volumes about why they've gone belly up.