Repub. Party of TX conv in Houston, TX


New member
The convention is over so here are a few of my random thoughts.
I am a repub. precinct chair and was a delegate and stayed for all the speeches and votes.
The 2nd amendment did very well. If I remember correctly the only speaker who didn't say something positive about the 2nd was Mike Hucabee who I don't even think mentioned it. Land Commissioner Patterson probably said the most for the 2nd but he was the legislator at the time who first pushed for CHL in the early 90's. TSRA was there and seemed to be signing up a new member every time I walked by their booth. No NRA.
The trade show was half what it was at past state repub conventions, I suppose due to the economy.
The total lack of mentioning of the problems in the Republican party primarily due to the elected reps. abandoning conservative principles never was heard. Comments about how the dems. are responsible for so much abounded. This is sooooo annoying. The dems. are who the dems. are. They didn't change but as 2006 so shockingly showed the repubs. really fumbled many times from 2000 - 2006.
When candidates and party officials were announced the applause was there but none of the hearty welcome I have experienced in prior conventions. Phrases in the speeches that should have elicited standing o's just didn't happen. The two speakers who got the most appreciation were John Cornyn, check out his video on here: and Attorney General Greg Abbot.
Perry did all right with a cute video by his children.
In the end I'm no more excited about this election season than before the convention. But vote we must as there are too many down ballot candidates to just stay home. I guess my selection at the top of the ticket depends on McCain's choice for VP.
Republicans got screwed this election. Well get screwed in November too because this election will be more like "American Idol" than past elections. I do hope Mccain can pull it off, but i think he has a snowballs chance in hell.
The top candidate in getting the most positive response from his audience was every bodies favorite Ron Paul. He had beyond a doubt the most enthusiastic crowd.
The speaker that got the most positive response from the convention delegation was Newt G. with his "Drill now, Drill here, Pay less" campaign. Go to: to sign the petition. Interestingly, his desire and intention is to accomplish the goals of this campaign this year. I believe it is because he knows that regardless of who wins the presidency neither will authorize more domestic energy production.