Reports of firearms over the weekend...


New member
I am looking for any articles concerning defensive/non-police uses of firearms over the weekend. An anti elsewhere has stated that if firearms were used more often for legal purposes he would hear about it more. So... I'm trying to provide him with the information he claims just does not exist. :)
Please point out to your anti friend that just because *he* hears about something more often from the media, doesn't mean that it happen more often. In fact, the opposite is usually true. How often does the national media report an automobile crash? How often do they report an airplane crash? Yet car crashes kill many more people per mile traveled than plane crashes.

Your anti friend has set you up in a fight that you cannot win because they are using the media as a measuring tool for actual occurrences. It’s a sucker’s bet, don’t take it. Most defensive uses of guns are not reported to the police at all, so they certainly wouldn’t make it into the media.

Read the article here to find out more. Especially under the "A psychological folly" heading.

"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4 Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website
Get him a copy of Roberts book "the best defense." It's filled with examples of self defense using guns... Also makes for an excellent read. If you have not read it, It is a must.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I don't have any links or stories that I can verify (except what is in the NRA publications) but I do have a question: Why is it, that if someone breaks into your home, you have to "justify" that you believe you will be harmed? If someone breaks into your home, it's not for a social visit. I read an article on the internet (I think it was on Free Replublic) about an Oregon man, confined to a wheelchair, shot and killed an intruder. Oregon DA is seriously thinking about charging the handicap person with a gun crime. Why does one have to "flee" if he or she can? What ever happened to the right to protect PROPERTY and PERSON from assult? And then this stereo-typing.. Trailer, Drinks too much, etc.. What does this have to do with a successful defense of property and person? What, only the rosie's and officials are allowed to do so? I may not be rich, I may have to live in a trailer and yes, sometimes I do party a bit more then I should, but why should that void out my Rights? I'm not a felon, I'm not an domestic abuser (unConstitutional law), so why should I forefit my Rights?


*it appears that I'm a bad speller also, should that be grouds to forefit my Rights? Not yet, but I wouldn't put it pass them.

[This message has been edited by USP45usp (edited June 06, 2000).]
Almost everywhere there is no right to use lethal force in defense of mere property. A reasonable fear of physical harm to one's person is usually called for.
Well this was NOT last weekend, but took place a few years ago. I used an HBAR (AR-15 rifle) to ward off a few people that were trying to break into my home. They wisely desided to move on rather quickly.

-AoW[t]-Dead [Black Ops]
Take a look at Lott's 'More Guns, Less Crime'. Your best bet here is to identify the various studies that have attempted to estimate annual defensive gun uses. I agree, any attempt to base this upon media reports is absurd - does this person think that all crime is reported proportionately in the media? Goofy.

Regards from AZ

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited June 07, 2000).]
Here in Oklahoma we fortunately have a law that if someone breaks into your home they are conclusively presumed to be there to harm you, and you are allowed to shoot them. It works, too! About once a year some antni-gun DA moans about some case he obviously wishes he could prosecute, but then it goes away.