I don't have any links or stories that I can verify (except what is in the NRA publications) but I do have a question: Why is it, that if someone breaks into your home, you have to "justify" that you believe you will be harmed? If someone breaks into your home, it's not for a social visit. I read an article on the internet (I think it was on Free Replublic) about an Oregon man, confined to a wheelchair, shot and killed an intruder. Oregon DA is seriously thinking about charging the handicap person with a gun crime. Why does one have to "flee" if he or she can? What ever happened to the right to protect PROPERTY and PERSON from assult? And then this stereo-typing.. Trailer, Drinks too much, etc.. What does this have to do with a successful defense of property and person? What, only the rosie's and officials are allowed to do so? I may not be rich, I may have to live in a trailer and yes, sometimes I do party a bit more then I should, but why should that void out my Rights? I'm not a felon, I'm not an domestic abuser (unConstitutional law), so why should I forefit my Rights?
*it appears that I'm a bad speller also, should that be grouds to forefit my Rights? Not yet, but I wouldn't put it pass them.
[This message has been edited by USP45usp (edited June 06, 2000).]