Reported on Drudge Obama working on gun control under the radar

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This is a story coming from Sarah Brady, we all know who she is, about a visit she had with White House press secretary Jay Carney on Capitol Hill. She was there pushing for a ban on high capacity magazines. Obama stopped by and let her know what his plans are in the gun control arena. Here is the link to the story I saw on Drudge.

I do not think that the Obama admin or the Democrats have any intention on touching this issue until after the results of the 2012 election. It would be detrimental to his re-election. If Obama wins a second term he will have nothing to lose. I believe this will become the gun version of Obamacare. Or we are looking at some kind of executive order that involves the Department of Homeland Security. The former being less likely since I think the Republicans will take the senate, with rumors in the air that the Dems might reclaim the house. Either way he is alleged to say "under the radar" which means congress is out of the loop.
Rule through executive regulation is his MO. I have no doubt he will push something if he wins a second term or earlier if he misjudged his chances of winning.
I disagree that he will wait until after the election.

The people who would be mad about gun control already are not going to vote for him. He is worried about his base because he still hasn't closed Gitmo (first campaign promise), we are still in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now we are bombing Libya. The economy still hasn't improved and he had to compromise on healthcare and spending. In short his base is not at all impressed with his performance on the issues they care about. Gun control would be an easy one to show the base he still care about their causes. It has no political risk for him because remember, no one who is against gun control is gonna vote for him anyways. His other political risk is putting members of his party in jeopardy in their districts. People like Harry Reid and other vulnerable democrats. The last thing they want is another debacle like the health care bill debate to give Republicans another 60 seats. So he won't do it that way, he will do it "under the radar" on his own so that he doesn't endanger Democrat control of the Senate or give Republicans a supermajority in the House. I see no reason for him to wait until after the election to try something on gun control. He may use Gabby Gifford's return to Congress to spearhead something.
A touch too political when we discuss election strategies. If proposals come forth we can discuss them from the perspective of Law and CR.

There are plenty of sites to discuss political hypotheticals.

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