Report on IDPA match


New member
Saturday, I drove up to B'ham ( Steel Cities range) and took two students along with me, a CJ major and his girlfriend. The girlfriend didn't shoot, though she clearly knows how.

Me and my 19 had fun. This was my second regular IDPA match. There were probably 30 people or so (haven't received the results yet, so i'm not totally sure). I was the only woman last time. This time there were 5 women, two shooters and 3 watchers. One young man of age 11 was also competing (with a 1911 .45 as I recall).

We had 7 stages:
  1. Three cardboard targets (someone got the bright idea of targets with faces on them this week, it was interesting, but made seeing the holes harder for scoring). From behind a barricade, 2 to the body on each using strong hand only. Then, repeat with weak hand.
  2. Arm's distance from one target, two to the body then retreating and two to the body on the next nearest target.
  3. 12 Steel plates (dang those things hate me) in two sets of six. Imagine them numbered like this
    1 2 3 4 5 6 --- 7 8 9 10 11 12
    You had to shoot 1, 7, 2, 8, 3, 9... then do a tac reload behind cover and shoot 4, 10, 5, 11, 6, 12. My worst stage probably.
  4. Two cardboard targets. About 10 yards (maybe 7? I'm really bad at estimating distance, it was decently close, look at the videos and decide for yourself). In this one, you have your groceries in one arm and car keys in other hand. Drop the items and two to the body on each target. Repeat with two to the head on each target. Dwayne and Aretha in action on Stage 4 (short MPEGs). Here's me demonstrating how not to draw... Photos: Dwayne and Aretha
  5. You are walking along talking on a mobile phone. Bad guy in front of you takes a hostage. One to the head of the bad guy. Then one to a steel popper in the back ground, that starts a moving target badguy, must hit him and another stationary one and NOT hit the hostage target or two other good guy targets in the background. Here's a short poor quality MPEG of Aretha doing this stage (I was the lousy camerawoman on this one). Photo of me on stage 5 .
  6. 3 pairs of targets at 2 distances. Starting in a chair, take your gun out of a wooden box and get the two closest targets. Advance forward to cover and take out two more targets. Advance forward to more cover and take out two more. 2 good hits were required on each target. Each target was partially obscured (blacked out) by hard cover. I'm not sure who came up with the notion of cover but two of the targets were all hard cover except a cirle in the middle (shooting through a porthole?). Two were half obscured, like behind a wall, and two had circles blacked out. This was the fun one where we got muddy kneeling behind cover. The rains the day before were not a happy thing. :)
  7. involved knocking down popper which activated a moving target (then moving to cover) which had to be shot twice from simulated wall cover.

Some interesting lessons learned:
  • Think, think, think. Remembering 3 stages and then shooting them back to back is not easy. That's how we did 1, 2, and 3.
  • A Bersa 380 will not necessarily knock down a steel popper no matter how many times Aretha hits it.
  • Watching a wife out shoot her husband is very entertaining (ask Dwayne...)
  • Taking my time is always better, even though I might be one of the slowest, at least I will hit the targets. :)
  • I hate steel targets and they hate me back!

All in all, a good time was had by all, despite the mud and early morning cold. Afternoon was sunny and lovely!

I just hope I wasn't dead last!

Here are some photos from the fun:

Here's Jim from North Alabama and me. Yes, I'm a midget!

I met Dwayne at the last match. This time he brought his lovely wife, Aretha.

I know, I should have taken more (better?) photos and such, but we only pulled the camera out at the end when most folks were gone and the rush and crowding were over with.


A Glock is like the proverbial "little black dress." Every woman needs one.
February 14th is GIVE A GIRL A GLOCK day.
If anyone asks, make mine a 26.
I see you have met Mr. Watson. They are planning for the Alabama State IDPA now. Match is scheduled for April 14. See yall there.
I will be one of the Chief Safety Officer recruited by Myrin Young and Ron Holland from Georgia to help at the Alabama State Match.