Report from STC '99

Rob Pincus

New member
uhg. how incredibly embarrassing... The Score that is. Really horrible. Our Team fell from last year's 5th in the industry class to 7th.

Worse, we were expected to move up...

The thread about "how to induce stress"... well, we had it:

1st event: We line up to shoot the Rifle targets and I forget which bank I was supposed to be shooting at.. We had one shoter at the close bank, and one shooter and the next furthest (of four..) rather than shoot for the 70 yard bank like I was supposed to, I got some delusion of granduer and started on the 90 yard bank..
Same size targets worth the same amount of points... two minutes later, when the event was over, I had a big "Doh!" moment... (it all looks the same through a 24x scope offhand!!)

2 event: Our "ringer" has scope problems and did less than expected with his pistol on the combo.. in fact, he left some of the "easy" targets up.. with my tunnel vision still clinging on, I didn't notice the gimme 4 inchers at 25 yards and I wasted my last 45 seconds shooting at 1 inchers at 70 yards!

3rd event: Becuase of the scope problem, I switched to precision handgun for the relay event, giving the Action phase to the guy with the broken .22.. now, you can imagine how I excited I am about having to shoot precision instead of action.. the action stage is the one thing I REALLY look forward to at the STC.. my moment in the sun if you will... so I shot the precision and we muddle through.. This event was our best of the competion.. we cleared the first two stages and had about 30 seconds left for the third shooter at precision long range...

So much for metallic..

SHotgun events:

At the first one of our team member's mag tube got jammed up. She had just taken herself to a single shot shotgun and we had less than 2 minutes to get through 10 called pairs of clays each... it was ugly and we all ot frustrated.. I think we scored 24 out of a possible 60 targets...

Second stage we had the gun fixes, but had our timing all screwed up. It was a rapid fire incoming flurry and we ended up double shooting several clays and having the whole team reloading while some were flying over our heads....

Third stage was the best of the Shotgun events, we made a pretty respectable score in the Flush.

As I said, our place was dissappointing, but we did have a bunch of fun... we have oficiallly decided to try to get to some of the regional events next year, instead of just showing up at the Nationals and trying to achieve anything!!

Markham Park was as beautiful and hospitable as ever, thanks to Holden Kris, rangemaster.. if you are ever in Ft. Lauderdale area, you need to stop by and check this place out...

Thanks to our team Sponsors :(shameless commercial)
Smith & Wesson (2 mdl 41's, 945, .40 limited)
Winchester (ammo, ammo, ammo)
Bushnell (holosites)
Swarovski (rifle scopes)
Flint River Outdoorwear (Team Shirts)

Rob, with such a dismal report on your teams efforts... good for you on coming 7th !

Err...there were more than 7 teams wern't there? ;)

"The Gun from Down Under !"

WE actually held our own in Shotgun even with the problems.... but the Metallic events don't leave much room for error...

My pick for the Overall open class champs didn't make it this year.. Doug Koenig and Team Sierra Starline came in SEcond after Arnt lead the Dillon team to a Clean sweep (including bonus targets) of the entire handgun range (three stages shot in relay fashion, precision, action and long range precision) inless than 1 minute and 30 seconds.. it was awesome.. you'll be able to see it on ESPN next fall....