Report from Capitol Hill.....HR2122

Rob Pincus

New member
Hey Guys, I've been in DC since yesterday with the LEAA working on getting the amendment version of HR 218 added to HR2122 and then passed as a whole.

The vote for the Evil Conyers Substitute (virtually identical language to the Senate bill) is going on right now.

Earlier today, the Cunningham Amendment (formally HR 218) which permits interstate national carry (including NYC and DC) for ative and retired LEOs was supported overwhelmingly (372 for, 53 against).

This amendment is very important as a precursor to National CCW for Everyone. Before you balk at the LEO nature of this provision, remember that retired officers have no special standing other than being private citizens. The inclusion of them in this bill is a huge foot in the door for other trained gun owners (ie- CCW holders) to have the same privileges. LEAA has vowed to continue the fight for national reciprocity for CCW.

Look for Dems and Anti's to try to remove the retired officers clause from the bill in the committee that will be resolving the differences in the Senate and House versions of the Juvenile Justice Bill.

BTW- The Hi-Cap Amendment in HR 2122 does not affect the transfer of pre-ban hi-caps... niether does the language in the Senate Bill, so we will need to watch that such a prohibition is not added in committee.

The unified Juvenile Justice Bill should be in front of the president by Mid July. Under the circumstances, The House version looks like the best we could have hoped for, in the wake of Littleton, etc....

More when I get back to TN......

Let's see the Dems spin their way out of this one!

In any case, there's some things we didn't get, but there's aome things we didn't loose, either. Looks like gun legislation is dead for the session.

IOW, they haven't cranked down on the straitjacket, but they haven't loosened it either?

"We are going to fight. We are going to be hurt.
But in the end, we will stand."
--Roland Deschain
Couldn't it creep back in, when they merge the house bill and the senate bill? In any event, we must be ever vigilant.

Now, if we could only derail SB 23 in California....
Look guys...

It always creeps back in....there is no long term net gain here regardless of how it turned out.

If it had passed, the gun control faction would (will) still propose new restrictions next session. They won't stop even when they get everything they want.
As far as I'm concerned, this is a temporary very miniscule victory for our side...means nada in the long run.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Of course, we've thought that we defeated something at the end of a session before, only to have the leaders sneak back into town, convene the place without a quorum, and pass it on a voice vote.

Whether we won this, or not, I hope we've all learned a very important lesson: The Republican leadership are NOT our friends; Any time circumstances appear to give them an opportunity to plant a knife in our backs, they will.
To paraphrase Londo Molari (B5)" I may not know who my enemies are but I now know who my frends are and I shall try to treat them better." Not all republicans are our frends (Hyde for one) nor are all democrats our sworn enimeis (dingle) but by and large I know whom my friends are. even if they are not as stead fast and stout of heart as I would like they are better then my enemies.
Ewok is right on the money... and it doesn't have to CREEP in at all....

The existing language in SR 254 will now go to conference with both gun and social aspects of the Juvenile Justice bill, all the house has to offer is HR 1501, which is social issues only.. that means the only existing gun language at the start of the conference committee hearings will be the SEnates horrible language...

As I said in another thread, Any Republicans who thought they were trying to help gun owners by defeating this bill just cut off their nose to spite their face.

Thebest we can hope for now is that Hyde-McCallum introduce another bill that will redefine the gun show restrictions as the Dingell Amendment would have, and the rules committee allows it to be paired up with HR1501 and SR254.

Whoever in the republican leadership decided to split the social and gun issues really goofed.


That list is being very guarded at this point. If you want to start lobbying, target Hyde, Hatch, and Dingell on our side... not even sure who to guess on the other side. Expect people strong in SEniority and expecially people from the Judicariary committees.

AS soon as I get the list I'll pass it on.

We are expecting it after the July 4th break....