replacing pistol grip


You've probably already felt the disturbance in the force. The California legislature has made up an arbitrary definition of "assault weapon", and decreed that those currently in possession must be registered. It will no longer be legal to sell them in CA.

Anyway, in their infinite wisdom, they have banned semi-auto center-fire rifles with (I'm not making this up) "A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the
action of the weapon." Anybody have any advice (other than move) as to how I may keep my AR-15 clone functional, without that evil protruding handgrip?
Ewok, I don't know for sure, but I very seriously doubt that removing the pistol grip would help your situation. Perhaps you're just kidding, I don't know.

Seems to me you have few choices:
1. Register your rifle as they require. Take your chances on a subsequent confiscation or other unpleasantness.
2. Sell your rifle.
3. Move out of CA.
4. Don't register the rifle, and keep a low profile. Take your chances on a subsequent confiscation or other unpleasantness, now including incarceration / fine for not abiding by their unconstitutional law.
5. Hide, bury or otherwise make your rifle disappear. This means it is unavailable for self defense anyway, and may be found and stolen by someone else. OTOH, it may still be available for the proverbial really bad day.

I know our CA friends hate hearing this, but perhaps rethinking the 'benefits' of CA residency is a reasonable course. However, I know it is also a royal pain to move, not to mention leaving family and friends.

I'm truly sorry all of you folks are going through this insanity. By the same token, I do hope it stays in CA, not that I am optimistic about that remaining the case.

Good luck.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 15, 1999).]
I'm not kidding at all. SB 23 bans cosmetic features. Take the grip off and it's no longer an "assault weapon." I was planning to just disassemble any firearms I might have that would be covered, but it'd be better if there was a way to keep them functional.
I'm not familiar with the details of your new law. Generally, I think these statutes have taken the course of naming specific 'bad' firearms, and then also specifying certain prohibited feature combinations.

So for example, if you remove an offending feature, the rifle is still an AR-15. To know whether or not some DA or jury is going to be more comfortable if you've removed a pistol grip is way too optimistic for my blood. A good attorney familiar with firearms laws can give you an idea as to your probable success, but with any new law there is usually a fair degree of 'unknown'. IMHO, your CA LEO's are going to decide removing the pistol grip is too cute. Assuming they help enforce this foolishness.

Hopefully we have a resident attorney or CA political / legal beagle who can shed more light.

Good luck.
Erick, I've read more of the bill through, and I understand what you're saying. However, do you disagree with the concerns I expressed to Ewok regarding his creative approach?

A more interesting question would be, how aggressive do you think most CA LEO's will be with this new statute? Poor enforcement wouldn't change the evil intent and message, but if enough LEO's think a law is garbage, perhaps that could have some positive impact ... rather like jury nullification?

We really need brave LEO's to speak loudly about the illogic and ineffectiveness of such gun control laws. LEO's are paraded before the media all the time to show how 'law enforcement supports' such garbage. If LEO's really do not support such laws, then we desperately need them to speak out clearly to that effect.

I know a fine officer here locally, and we go to lunch from time to time. He is a very high quality guy. Unfortunately, it turns out he also would support 100% registration of firearms. He trusts the system. I hate to think we are all being sold down the river sometimes by otherwise decent LEO's.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited July 16, 1999).]
I believe that "thumb-hole" stocks also made the "evil" list. That sort of puts the ones available from Brownells out of the picture.

I don't really see how it's possible to make an AR acceptable to Perata and bunch.

I think war has been declared.
Yep, the evil thumb-hole stock is also verboten.

The only local LEO I know personally is the guy that I get to do my papers when I buy from a gun show or from a private seller. We closed our "loopholes" a long time ago.... Hasn't slowed me down much....
Not to be defeatist, but DPMS makes a pump action based on the AR lower and upper. Since it's pump action, it features a muzzle brake and a bayonet lug. Still limited to a 10 round magazine though.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Oh, yeah, I've been thinking along those lines. The "legal" definition of "semiautomatic" seems to be that you can fire a second shot with a trigger squeeze, without re-cocking the firearm. So howzabout a firearm that ejects the spent cartridge, chambers a new cartridge, does whatever is needed with the hammer/striker, but doesn't reset the trigger. A cocking lever is then depressed, maybe with the thumb, and you're ready for the next shot? Or, if you want to go with the pump-action, a veryshort pump-action....
Ewok, I have considered making my AR a weapon without a pistol grip. i think BM Armalite, DPMS etc should make a CA version of the AR, with an AR lower, but the pistol grip is missing. I mean we have our own propietary gas, our own emissions standard, I think its time we has our own AR's. then all you would nee to do is put the proper upper and pistol grip on the weapon when TSHTF and have an "assault weapon"
I've decided to leave the grip on, and just hold the rifle upside-down :D I'm working on building up the muscles in my trigger-pinky ;)
PORAC, or Peace Officers Research Association of California, is actively opposing SB23. You are not alone.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Ewok, that is a brilliant solution none of us even considered! ;) Proving, once again, that idiotic laws are absolutely no match for American ingenuity!

Good luck over there. Unfortunately, it does appear you folks are on the 'front lines'.
I say this in all seriousness. Come to Florida. For the moment, our laws are pretty good. The weather is wonderful, the people are friendly and shall we say "colorful". Nothing that will surprize you. You can live Urban, rural, or suburban. The only thing we don't have are mountains, we keep them in Georgia, only a few hours away.

Come to the Gunshine state, we'd love to have you.
Guys, You could get a less evil AR-15 PISTOL. It is a HANDGUN, so pistol grips are fine. Just, NO STOCK!
When TSHTF, slap on a GI Stock and you have the VERY EVIL SBR... OOOooohhh I just get chills when I say that!

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...

