replacing my Colt ??

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I am thinking about replacing mym Colt 1911's with somethingelse. I have an ample supply of 1911 leather and magazines. Should I spend more for a Kimber or buy a Glock and use the money I save restocking Assessories. P.S. I have small hands and fairly short fingers. Any suggestions???
I'm not sure just what you're looking for. The GM has an unmatched track record. The Glock is not a bad piece, but hardly equal to the venerable GM. What problems are you having, besides the hand size? I doubt the Glock will be easier to handle, the ones I've shot have been a little on the thick side.

Some smiths do a thinning,a la Gunsite. Mayhap that is the answer rather than an expensive swap....
To: Bronco

Other than 1911s I always suggest SIGs, though the operation of the two is different I have no problems from switching back and forth from the two...

If you like .45s like I do, the P220, and the new P245 COMPACT are excellent pistols...

Also, SIG offers "short" triggers for people with smaller hands...

And because SIGs .45s are "single-stacks" people with smaller hands may find them more attractive than the beefy stocked GLOCKS and HK USPs...

I own a SIG P220 and think the world of it...
All SIGs are GREAT, but the P220 is my favorite model from them...

The P220 is extremely accurate out of the box, reliable as any semi-auto, and makes a great home defense pistol (you can mount a flash light and laser on it) as well as range gun...

Good luck...

Is small hands and short fingers your only problem? At the risk of sounding prejudice, there are a lot of firearms out there that are better built to handle some of today's modern loads, and out of the box are usually more accurate and handle more variety in bullet styles without reworking than the Colt 1911 types. Besides, if Colt dicontinues to produce guns for the retail market does that mean parts will dry up for them also?

Guess I stepped in it that time, huh?
Since you have all the 1911 accessories, why don't you consider trying to find a Colt Combat Elite Series 80. I have not fired a better out of the box Colt than that one. It is hands down one of my favorite 1911's.
I am not really having any problems with either my enhanced Govt model or my Stainless Lightweight Commander, but since Colt is going out of the handgun business (pubic sales) I have convinced my wife that my colts are going to become collectors items. I work partime with the local Police Department (small town)and do not want to go down in quality and or reliabilty in another handgun. I really do like my 1911's.
I don't know how you could go down in quality from Colt, unless its a Jennings or some such. If your Colts work, then fine. I would say that Glock is on a whole other level in terms of reliability over any Colt made 1911 of recent vintage.

Since you have so much 1911 parphrenalia, then buy the Kimber. Or, you could keep the Colts you already own and buy a Glock for everyday use.
Colt is dropping all their DA revolver lines and the 1991A1, but they will still be making the Government Model series. So those guns will not become collectors items any time soon.

As for political reasons, you have the gun. Colt will not be affected one bit by what you do or don't do at this point.

As to quality, I saw a new Colt GM last week and it was beautiful and just as good as ever. I could not believe it came from the same company as the 1991A1 I saw two weeks ago that left its rear sight in the box when the dealer picked it up.


[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited October 19, 1999).]
Greetings Bronco; I second Mr. Montes comments on the Sig P220A. Always,
reliable all the time. Highly accurate,
and very durable; right out of the box.
If you like, you may want to opt for the
P220A .45ACP in two-tone with factory
Siglite night sight's. I own a P226 that
is set up this way; very beautiful, indeed.

Ala Dan
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