Replacing barrel on my revolver


I am new to this site and this will be my first thread. I have been a LEO for over 20 years in upstate NY and although I really love guns I have only just begun to start my collection. I have been looking around for a good place where I can have the barrel on my Ruger GP100 .357 replaced. It is the Wiley Clapp model. I want to have the barrel lengthened and ported and possibly change out the cylinder to have it smooth instead of what I refer to as the "dimples" on it.
I appreciate any info and help.
Same advice I always offer. Sell the gun you don't want and buy the gun you do want. Cheaper, faster and easier with better end results.
Ruger doesn't typically make those two major parts available outside the company.
You probably won't find anybody at the local gunsmith level who can swap barrels, unless he happens to have a used take-off.

Same deal with the cylinder.

You could ask Cylinder & Slide if they could do the work, basically if they have the parts.
You can't order these parts from Ruger & they usually refuse to do alterations like you're talking about if you send your gun in.

Porting may have to be done by MagnaPort.
Smooth, non-fluted cylinders are easy with the Single Action revolver, not so with the double action gun in which the extractor star has to be fitted.

It can be done, but expect BIG bucks!

Bob Wright
Do you want to get rid of the flutes to add weight to the GP100? The cylinder on a GP100 is about as tuff as one needs for a 357 Mag. There is plenty of metal in the cylinder already and the cylinder notch is moved off center as not to weaken the cylinder under the chambers. Now if a fluteless cylinder is to full fill a styling urge I agree they really awesome in the looks department. Another advantage to a new cylinder being custom made is the chambers can be linebored to the barrel improving accuracy of the revolver. I wouldn’t be afraid of just cutting a new crown and forcing cone on center on a OEM barrel and hand lapping it as long as the barrel inspects as good. Big money and long waits for work like this but if you want it and got it get it. Can’t be as bad as Jay Leno and all his cars.