Replacement stock and fore-end on an 870


New member
Wal-Mart just got a synthetic replacement stock and fore-end grip that is painted in Mossy-Oak. I want to get it since I use my 870 for Turkey and because I like the way they look. My question is this: The front grip does not have the rails installed that slide into the frame. Am I supposed to pull the rails off my old grip and use those and how hard is that for a non-gunsmith to do? I didn't open the package or anything so I don't know for sure if it comes with the rails or not.
I'm sure somebody can answer this better than I, but I'll give it a shot. You need a special spanner wrench to unscrew the forearm from the wood. A gunsmith will have the tool. Or you can order the tool from Remington or Brownells. It's easier and cheaper to have your gunsmith do it. Mine charged me $12 bucks to replace the forearm and buttstock on my old 870. Yours may charged more or less. Good luck.

[This message has been edited by Icopy (edited July 17, 2000).]
Icopy is right. The "rails" are attched to a sleeve inside your fore grip that is held there by a nut. Do not try to take it apart without the dissassembly tool. The metal is pretty thin and the threads on the part are even thinner. It is very easy to cross-thread it and mess it up. I bought the tool from Brownells. Going to a gunsmith might be a good idea if you think this is the one and only time you may change this out.
Thank you very much. I was afraid that was going to be the answer. I'll just take it in to the smithy and let him handle it. I don't think I'll ever have a need to change it again.
Update: In case you were wondering, I did this job myself. I got to looking at the nut that was inside the forend and I saw the two notches where the wrench would go. I grabbed a pair of needlenose, spread the tips into the notches, and started unscrewing it. After a couple of turns I was able to finish it by hand. It came right off with no problem. I got the new forend and placed the tube/rail in it and screwed the nut back on. Piece of cake. Maybe I was taking a chance on messing up the threads, but I consider myself pretty handy when it comes to this kind of stuff and I figured I'd be more careful then some guy that doesn't know me and who will not use half the care I used. I then replaced the stock and TA-DA, I was done. Took about 45 minutes and I didn't have to pay a single dime to some other guy. Plus I now have the satisfaction of having done it myself. Thanks again for the replies though, they at least led me in the right direction and I knew to be careful with the those threads. :D
I stayed out of this because I didn;t want to give bad advice.I have used the needlenose technique a coupla times w/o any bad results, but others might have gone astray.

Before reassembly, I used a little moly grease on all surfaces, wipe on, wipe off, just to keep rust from complicating the next job...
Oh yeah, mine were dirty in there too and I had forgotten to apply something to protect them. Thanks for the reminder!