Replacement barrel for Glock 23

Don Parsley

As far as safely shooting lead bullets and having a fully supported chamber, what is the best and cheapest way to go in obtaining a new barrel? Any suggestions for a Glock 23 in 40S+W

[This message has been edited by Don Parsley (edited March 14, 2000).]
Not the cheapest way to go, but I would choose either a BarSto or KKM Precision barrel. I've got Glocks (and other pistols) with these 2 barrels in them and they are accurate and worth the extra $$ IMO.

BKs Pistol Pages
George, thanks for the info. I have reloaded thousands of rounds of 40 and shot them out of my 23,but I kept the barrel spotless with an Outers foul-out. The problem that really disturbs me is the non-supported chamber. Looking over brass I have used,there are some very serious bulges and rings that could have hurt the pistol or worse. P.S. I'm new to this e-mail thing so forgive any mistakes I make. Thanks again.Also thanks to bk40,some really good gun pages!!

[This message has been edited by Don Parsley (edited March 14, 2000).]
I put a KKM drop in barrel in my G23 and it worked great with much better accuracy. Do a "search" here on aftermarket barrels or just barrels and you will get much info and many threads.
I put a KKM barrel in one g23 and a Jarvis barrel in the other m23. I like the KKM a little better. It seems like the chamber on the Jarvis is just a tad too tight, whereas the KKM will keep on chugging even after a couple of hundred rounds. I really like the way these barrels don't bulge the brass like the factory barrels do. I don't shoot lead at all in my .40s so can't comment on that.
Ive shot thousands of hard cast (linotype, 22 brinell or better) out of my 23 at mid power level, I have yet to have any incident nor after about 4 reloads any smiley faces on my brass. I keep my barrel clean, but the key is HARD cast bullets only and uniformly sized ones at that. If you use the soft swagged lead bullets, you better clean your barrel with every mag change or you might KB. With linotype, I shoot a match no problem 150 200 rounds, Im sure I could do it again but I clean the barrel. Now that there are good plated bullets (I dont like raniers) Ie west coast and berries, Im not loading lead, but one day you might need to, so make it hard lead and your good to go! If someone tells you Glocks blow up with lead, aske them what guns and what kind of lead they have loaded, most likely they are a parrot repeating what someone told them and they dont know swagged from cast. But if you must and you feel better, get a new aftermarket barrel,(the two above are great) but if you shoot soft swaged lead, your gonna blow that one just as easy, becasue the KEY is hard cast lead, not barrels and if you load to max capicity your gonna start to come up against the partially unsupported and lose Glock barrel, just back off, 3/4 level will often get you to major in most calibers. I have shot 9,40 & 10mm linotype in Glocks, this is my experience, not hearsay!
Try JR, at Lonewolf Distributors. They sell Federal barrels of Glocks for $89. They're not the best, but they work fine and are at least as accurate as your Glock factory barrel.

Brownell's sells the Briley, Bar-Sto and KKM drop in barrels for the same price, $148. Just open a Brownell's account online, answering the question regarding being in "a related business that doesn't require an FFL" in the affirmative. You'll instantly be given Brownell's trade discounts.