Replace cylinder on S&W M12?


New member
My BIL has a M12 that is very rusty on the outside surface of the gun, but clean and sturdy on the inside. I am thinking about offering to take it off his hands for a small price. The only thing that bothers me is that it has some deep scratches on the cylinder, as if it was dropped onto a metal deck or something. I don't think function is affected, but the deepest gash is over a chamber at the rear and I just don't like the look of it.

How hard would it be to replace the cylinder and how much would it cost? Could I do it myself? This would be sort of a project gun to learn a few things on. Also, how would you remove the rust on the outside surface? I am thinking metal polishing compound.

As for the cylinder, only a competent gunsmith - or the factory - can tell you if it needs to be replaced. Try calling S&W and asking their technical support staff about it. For rust removal, try the Birchwood Casey Blue & Rust Remover. It will remove it painlessly, although you will, of course, have to have the gun re-blued afterward. You'd have to do this anyway if you went at it with steel wool and/or a polisher...

Another way, if it's only surface rust without much pitting, is to use Ballistol lube. Spray it on, and let the gun soak in it for at least 24 hours (renew it every 6-8 hours). Then take some 0000 steel wool (don't, whatever you do, use a heavier grade, as it will scratch the metal - 0000 is so fine that it won't scratch), and gently scrub the rusted areas with it. If necessary, renew the Ballistol coating, let soak for a while, and repeat as necessary.

(I'm sure you know to remove the grips and anything non-metal before using either the rust remover, or the Ballistol!)
I suspect the gun is safe, but if you want to replace the cylinder for aesthetic reasons, I don't see why you can't if you're willing to spend the money. bear in mind that once you start paying for parts and service to rehabilitate a gun you very quickly spend more than just buying a decent gun in the first place would cost.

I see cylinders and such on ebay all the time. If you're lucky, you may find a K frame .38 cylinder for $15-$30. It may drop right in and work perfectly. It may require fitting by a gunsmith. In that case, see the warning above about costs.