Rep. Ron Paul


New member
Just got a letter from congressman Ron Paul asking me to fill out a petition and make a donation against U.N. Special Rapporteur Bacre Waly Ndiaye. In summary this guy (Ndiaye) is trying to abolish the death penalty and trying to replace the U.S. Constitution with the U.N. International Covenant.

Has anyone heard about this? I've gotten plenty of requests for money from a bunch of people but never from a Congressman. Is it normal for them to ask for $ for causes like this?

The return address is Ron Paul c/o the US Justice Foundation in Fairfax VA.

Any why is he writing me? I'm not from his district and he never responded before when I've sent letters to everyone in Congress.
I spoke to Ron Paul on the phone yesterday and can say that he is a stand up guy. He may have started the foundation or could just support it. He is very involved in privacy issues, states rights, and his concern with the Japan back U.N. resolutions is the gun control issue. The U.N. anit-gun agenda against the U.S. is pushed heavily by the Japanese, they want the citizens of the world disarmed. You may have donated to conservative foundations before or have a history of supporting issues like this with your own congressonal reps and you were passed on as someone who may be interested.
The whole U.N machine is trying to make the U.S. Constitution go away, not just this one bureaucrat.

Ron Paul is one of the few good guys....he is fighting our subordinance to the UN

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I sometimes wonder what would happen if the various groups that oppose our liberties were to take larger steps. I'm convinced that as long as they are patient and take small bites off our freedom, only a small fringe element (us) will see the erosion.

What would it take to wake up the sheeple?
I also am familair with Ron Paul(R-TX). He is a true American and has done many things like introduce bills that would have the US pull out of the UN, abolish the IRS, *restore* the right to uninfringed arms possession and also he was one of the lead Congressmen to nail Klinton for his illegal dealings.

I urge all of you to support him in ANY way he asks.

I amnot inhis district but I always donate to his fund. WE ALL need to be sure men like him are in office.

Ron Paul is a great patriot which is so rare in the political arena. He is truly fighting nearly a one man battle against the Beast system which is so so close to completely ruling us from Washington ,DC His latest bill is to abolish the Federal Reserve System, the family of private Banksters that runs our entire economy since the infamous year it was created in 1913. It controls and creates ourworthless currency,runs all the banks and owns all the homes and businesses in America(Mortgages all come from fed banks) ,creates the huge debt we have , and sends its IRS agents out to collect the taxes that go to the interest on the debt that Federal Reserve creates! But, there will be little support in congress because you just dont go up against the Federal Reserve System. Ron Paul is very brave because the Federal reserve System is the linchpin under which the NWO operates. A special disgust for Wilson is in order,because he was elected on a platform against the central banking system!
Ron is one of the very few good guys in congress. He fights practically everyone else there, as he is actually a libertarian. The Republicans have even supported Democrat opposition in an effort to see him unseated. If we only had more like him.


"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed -- and thus clamorous to be led to safety -- by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." -- H.L. Mencken
Ron Paul is one of the good guys, all right. For his congressional campaign he actually did a radio ad *praising* the NRA!!!