Rep. Paul Trying to Restrict the Power of The President!


Moderator Emeritus
From the Office of Representative Ron Paul, R-TX

October 22, 1999

Paul legislation to receive hearing
Measure restricts power of president to legislate with pen

WASHINGTON, DC -- Next week, a subcommittee of the House of Representatives will hold a hearing on legislation introduced by US Rep. Ron Paul (R, TX) that would restrict the power of presidents to legislate by Executive Order.

The Committee on the Judiciary's Subcommittee on Commerce and Administrative Law will hold the hearing on Thursday, October 28, 1999, in room B-353 of the Rayburn House Office Building. The legislation is HR 2655, the Separation of Powers Restoration Act. Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde (R, IL) issued the formal invitation for Rep. Paul to testify on behalf of the legislation.

"The American public has grown increasingly weary of the use of Executive Orders, as presidents have used them to bypass Congress and legislate from the Oval Office," said Rep. Paul. "Presidents must be able to direct their employees, but this power must be closely confined by the laws which they are constitutionally and legislatively empowered to execute."

Former Clinton Advisor Paul Begala was quoted in the New York Times on July 5, 1998, as saying of Executive Orders, "Stroke of the pen. Law of the Land. Kinda cool."

But the US Constitution does not give presidents this power, said Rep. Paul.

"I'm pleased the Judiciary Committee has decided to hold hearings on this important issue which affects every American."

HR2655 would limit the scope of the Executive Orders a president can issue to only directing his staff and executive branch employees in carrying out authorized activities. It would also give legal standing to Members of Congress and average citizens to bring court cases against an administration if an Executive Order deprives them of their rights or harms them economically. It also repeals the 1973 War Powers Resolution, returning exclusive authority to Congress to declare national emergencies, while repealing all "national emergencies" currently on the books -- most dating from the late 1970s and early 1980s.

The legislation currently has nine cosponsors, including Don Young (R, AK), chairman of the Committee on Resources.


"A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark

"Rights are liable to be perverted to wrongs when we are incapable of rightly exercising them." - Sarah Josepha Hale
For the newbies, note that Rep. Paul (R-TX) is a Libertarian, backed by the Republicans because there was no "viable" Republican at the time of his candidacy.

(Dang, that felt goooood! :D :D)
So Dennis, where was that "viable" LP ticket in Texas when Ron was available? :) For the rest of the newbies, it is the quality of the player that counts, not the roster he is listed on.
I believe Ron Paul's stand on gun ownership is in line with the Founding Fathers - therefore (at least on that issue) he would be a better candidate than G.W. Bush.

However, as Rigby has established, the country is not ready for a third party or a real American (in the original sense of the term). We foolishly expect change by doing the same things and electing the same people. It's silly. It has led us to the severe gun control measures currently in force.


Party affiliation IS important.

For most politicians to become nominees, they must kiss the party's papal ring and espouse the party line in order to garner party support.

Without support from one of the two major parties, the candidate is considered not "viable" - regardless of his integrity, ideals or other qualifications.

A candidate from a major party accrues so much political baggage by the time he is elected he typically considers his constituency to be his major contributors rather than the American public.

Party affiliation is NOT a 100% identification - I agree. But it is an overwhelming indicator of political mindset.
Dennis, If party affiliation is so important, why has Ron Paul not been sucked into the vortex of "compromise" within his party? Do you truly think he would be more effective spouting his uncompromising rhetoric from a web page? He is in the game because he wrangled his way on a team! A very poor team, I agree, yet he IS in the big league. From his current platform, he may do the most important work ANY elected person is capable of legally doing. Is the republican party keeping this independent man from voting his conscience or duty? The republican party needs more of these MEN period. If they cannot recruit them, they should prepare to be rendered obsolete.

Yep...that's it and many thanks. I want to let Congressman Jim Ryan know that I would appreciate it if he'd support Paul in this legislative effort.

Party affiliation IS important.

- Ron Paul is a man of rare integrity. He also is a Libertarian filling a Republican chair. He won Republican support only when no “real” Republicans were available.
(Makes me wonder what compromises he had to make....)

- If the Republican Party is taken over by people of Ron Paul’s integrity, opinions, and
activity, then I could return to the Republican Party I backed for thirty-six years or so - before they abandoned me! I’m still here! I’m waiting for more REAL Republicans!

I agree that, “The republican party needs more of these MEN period. If they cannot
recruit them, they should prepare to be rendered obsolete.”

Or, perhaps more realistically, the current Republican Party could be absorbed by the
Democrat Party. Heh, heh! That could raise the general IQ of BOTH parties!!!!! :D :D
To tell you the truth, all I am searching for is a party which will abide by the Constitution as it was intended to be used. So far, the only party that even attempts to do that is the Libertarians.

But George Hill has a good point about party affiliation. Like the Marines, I'm looking for a few good men (and women). The Democrats have few, if any. The Republicans seem to have fewer as time goes on.

I'll make you a deal, G-Freeman. Get Republican leaders to stand up and say, "Gun control laws violate the Second Amendment. We will repeal them. We will repeal the unconstitutional directives that have the power of law. There will be no gun control!" When that happens, I'll return to the Republican Party and, if they follow through with those promises, I'll stay a Republican!

PS: I'm NOT holding my breath. ;)

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 23, 1999).]
OW OW OW...Okay Dennis Okay,Geez I'll pick a different word (viable) next time!
I would like to point out that you said it yourself when you said...."Without support from one of the two major parties, the candidate is considered not "viable" - regardless of his integrity, ideals or other qualifications." Without Republican Support he would be standing out in the cold. I like the way this guy thinks and acts. That is a given, Still doesn't change my vote, come November, Gotta do my part to stem the tide of ever restrictive Gun Laws. Stay involved, That is what is Contributing to the Stalemate over the juvenile justice bill currently in comittee. Get them on the ballot in all 50 states, Make them contenders so they will get all due consideration for the highest office in the land, You never know, this Ron Paul could be an Answer to your prayers Dennis, he may make enough headway and Headlines that he will give new meaning to Contender! Okay couldn't resist the Rub.... :) Ron Paul sounds as though he is making big in roads for the Libertarian Party, If it were not for the legalizing of drugs and open boarders thing They may even get my votes. In the meantime George W. gets my vote. Later

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe
If Rep. Paul is successful, would this invalidate ALL Executive Orders written under the "authority" of the War Powers Act?

Better days to be,

If I read right, yes! The Passage would also end the state of "Emergency" that most if not all the EOs get their power from. :)

Still Don't hold your breath, King Klinton will Veto. And the Dems. will back him, for the "Good of the Children".
Hey, El Jefe! Welcome back! :D

(Slipping quickly into my ankle-length helmet. ;) )

It's always good to have a *moderate* gun-control advocate (a Republican) on hand rather than those radical Democrats! :D :D
GUN CONTROL ADVOCATE!! Dennis thems fightin' words!! :) :) I never left I have been off fighting another battle, one that I hope bears fruit. Just remember that you NEED the republicans...Else your boy would have had to sit down in the corner and sulk cause nobody would want to play with him. I will do my part to ensure your boy gets all the support he needs WITHOUT wasting my vote and helping the other side strip me of my rights...Keep smiling :)

...“ They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” --Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

..."The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." --Thomas Jefferson

... "The strength of the Constitution lies entirely in the determination of each citizen to defend it. Only if every single citizen feels duty bound to do his share in this defense are constitutional rights secure." Albert Einstein

... "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."Ronald Reagan
Take care and God Bless, El Jefe