Rep> Barr calls for new Waco hearings


Moderator Emeritus

God I like this guy!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Wednesday, 25 August 1999 22:28 (GMT)

(UPI Spotlight)
Rep. Barr calls for new Waco hearings
WASHINGTON, Aug. 25 (UPI) - Reports that the FBI fired pyrotechnic
tear gas canisters during the operation that ended the 1995 Branch
Davidian compound siege in Waco prompted a Congressman to call
(Wednesday) for new hearings into the controversial operation. Rep. Bob
Barr, R-Ga., sent a letter to the chairman of the House Government
Reform Committee and to Attorney General Janet Reno saying the reports
raise questions as to whether government officials lied to Congress
about what exactly happened at Waco.

Copyright 1999 by United Press International [/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I can't wait to hear how the Democrats, those pillars of egalitarianism, justify not having these hearings. I can almost hear them now, mourning the tragic loss of life, but saying we know the truth, and these latest revelations are just immaterial differences, etc.

BTW, did the FBI / ATF ever release the firearms for examination by third parties? As I recall, they were not available for third party inspection, in spite of the constant government claims that there were illegal automatics in the compound.
yeah i was reading on the net that reno was mad, and couldn't believe that the fbi had lied!!! yeah right!! just like i couldn't believe that slick wille would lie either!!!
the government lie? oh no, never would happen!!!

No, the Feds never let any outside people look at the firearms in question. They said they would not let the outside experts look at the guns because the experts had something to do with the NRA.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"
Good grief! Doesnt anyone remember the Waco hearings a few years ago? The politicos all whitewashed it then and nothing will come of it now;especially with Johnny running the show.
Surprised this hasn't gotten more attention. This from Fox News. Why am I not surprised.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
New Waco Revelations Stoke GOP Fears That Investigation May Backfire Politically
Updated 2.51 p.m. ET (2151 GMT) October 8, 1999

Congressional Republicans are beginning to consider the effect new hearings on the 1993 Waco siege will have on their prospects in next year's elections.

Democrats need only pick up six seats in 2000 to win control of the House, leading some Republicans to speculate that yet another GOP-led investigation of the Clinton administration could backfire with voters.

"There's a feeling that the political risk may be higher than the political gain of pursuing this subject at this time," House Majority Leader Dick Armey, R-Texas, said Thursday.

On Sept. 9, the day after Reno announced Danforth's appointment, Armey said he wanted the House probe to be more sweeping than the independent prosecutor's: "I want to know it all."

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., agreed then that congressional investigators should "do [their investigation] in the broadest possible way." He said the revelations made him doubt the conclusion that the Branch Davidians, and not the FBI, started the fire.

Since then, Senate Republicans have been feuding among themselves over the investigation's scope and proper venue.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, wanted his panel to handle it. Instead, Lott last month announced a task force led by Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., a Judiciary Committee member, that would investigate the espionage charges as a first priority. Waco would be secondary, along with charges of Democratic campaign fund-raising abuses.

Hatch has made another pitch to take over the investigation. In an Oct. 5 letter to Specter obtained by The Associated Press, Hatch said the probe would have more credibility if it were done by a Judiciary Committee panel with the Democrats' participation.

Beltway speculation was stoked further on Friday when the Dallas Morning News quoted a now retired Army colonel as saying he heard Davidian leader David Koresh give the order to set the fires through bug transmissions on speakers in the FBI Waco command center's monitoring room.

Col. Rodney L. Rawlings, who retired from the Army in 1997, told the newspaper that he heard Koresh's order and then the sound of gunshots within five minutes after the FBI began its assault on the compound.

"I heard it. Anyone who says you couldn't at the time is being less than truthful," said Rawlings, who said he was in an adjacent room in the FBI command center at the time.

FBI officials have previously said transmissions from eavesdropping devices inside the Davidians' compound were too garbled to allow agents to hear the sect's discussions. Only later, after the fire and the tapes were enhanced, did the FBI learn that the Davidians were spreading fuel and preparing to set a fire, they testified before congressional committees.

Had FBI leaders heard that people in the compound were preparing a fire, they would have stopped the assault, they testified.

Deputy FBI Director John Collingwood would not comment on Rawlings' account. "We have appropriately relinquished all of these issues to Senator Danforth and are confident he will get to the bottom of this," he told the Morning News.

The chairman of the House Government Reform Committee, Rep. Dan Burton, R-Ind., has promised to move forward with Waco hearings. His investigators expect to receive more than a million Waco-related documents from the Justice and Defense departments within a week in response to a subpoena.

Burton did not respond to a request for comment Thursday, but Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind. coined a new term that nicely explains Republicans' 2000 fears: "Waco fatigue."

In part to avoid playing contentious hearings to a fatigued public, the focus of the Senate's call for new investigations will fall on the Justice Department. The allegations against Justice have less to do with Waco than with complaints that the department bungled its investigation into Chinese espionage.

The new investigations were sparked by the FBI's admission in August that its agents fired potentially flammable tear gas canisters at the compound April 19, 1993, which the agency long denied. The FBI says the canisters, launched hours before the start of the fire that consumed the compound, bounced harmlessly off the roof of a nearby bunker and did not contribute to the fire that killed about 80 Davidians.

— AP contributed to this report [/quote]

“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed—and thus clamorous to be led to safety—by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”—H.L. Mencken
Most Republicans are more interested in political expediency than in truth, justice, or protecting the American people.

Who's surprised?

Nearly all of our politicians rationalize away what is honest and right in favor of personal gain. And the American citizen takes it in the shorts again and again.

It's time to get rid of all but the few like Bob Barr, Ron Paul, Dick Armey, and a few others.

It's time for a change!
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 14, 1999).]
To get to the truth on Waco, look no further than 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This was a top-down operation and additional hearings will result in more attorney's fees and increased ratings for the major networks. There is nothing that Bill Clinton cannot get away with-----nothing. His acquittal earlier this year is proof. The best thing we can do to make sure this never happens again is to push for a two party political system instead of the singlular lawyerocracy we are now subjected to. I don't want to stray from the topic at hand but we need to fold the tares of the Republican Party into the Democratic Party while working with the wheat to form a new group of Statesmen dedicated to the principles our fouding fathers fought and died for.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."