Reno not on ABC


New member
I was listening to a HotTalk Radio here in CO Springs on the way in to work this morning. (I am not sure if this show was national). One caller mentioned that the Reno / Traficante (sp?) boxing match has not made it on the cover of NY Times or Nightline, whatever.

If the media is going out of their way to protect the AG from these accusations, as juicy and as "newsworthy" as any republican, libertarian, or independant scandal, do we really think that any advertising of our just cause will reach main stream outside of sneaking out after dark and hanging up posters on telephone polls?

What is a good recourse? I plan to write the Denver Post and Springs Gazette and complain- not about their restraint of reporting unsubstantiated accusations- but their biased reporting of unsubstantiated accusations.

I would almost understand if this were New York Uber Alles, or PRK, but Co is a seemingly conservative state- proved by the mullet hair cuts, the oversized belt buckles and 80's music all the time radio format.

Any thoughts?