Reno is in Tucson with U.S. attorneys

Paul B.

New member
This is from the Arizona Daily (red) Star June 30, 1999


U.S. Attorney general Janet Reno will be in Tucson today and tomorrow as part of the U.S. Attorneys National Conference.
The confernce started Monday and will run through tomorrow at the Sheraton El Conquistador Resort and Country Club. THE EVENT IS CLOSED TO THE MEDIA AND THE PUBLIC. (emphasis mine. Question. Why is it closed to the media and public? What is thw wicked witch of D.C. planning for us?)
Reno will meet with the U.S. attorneys tomorrow.
"It's a unique opportunity for her to meet with all 93 U.S. attorneys at the same time. They'll discuss their priorities, successes and challenges of the past year, as well as goals for the future," said Chris Watney, a Justice department spokeswoman.
Reno won't have any time for sightseeing, however. (Good. Don't want her ugly puss contaminating our areas beauty.)
"I think the time constraints are limiting." Watney said.

Damn! I hate to sound paranoid, but no public or media? Sounds like they are going to make plans to warm up the black helicopters. I'd sure like to sneak in there and hear what they're discussing. Probably get the Mrs. Randy Weaver treatment if I did.
When I worked for a government agency, the word was BOHICA. (Bend over. Here it comes again.)
Paul B.
Damn, now I have to write my Senators and Congressman again tonight.

Thanks for the heads-up PaulB.

From Ivan8883 6-30-99 628 PM EDT I wonder if Johnny Renos meeting with the US attorneys has anything to do with possible martial law coming and the need to clear up legal ramifications of mass arrests ahead of time. If this sounds farfetched,it probably isnt any more farfetched than Johnny's meeting being held behind closed doors. Something big is brewing for this countryand it aint goona be good .