Reno & Freeh assassins?


New member
I have heard on a few Patriot Talk Radio programs that Janet Reno and Louis Freeh are criss-crossing the country meeting with law enforcement.

They are planning the ASSASSINATION --not arrest--of militia leaders around the country. Freeh is telling them behind closed doors that something big is about to go down and these leaders will be killed.

If this is true, getting the word out might thwart their evil plans.
Specifics, particulars, names, sources, facts. You are talking conspiracy of Civil Rights, murder and a zillion class A felonies...and a lil bird told them?

Let's not play the Demo game of innuendo, sensationalism and BS.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I heard a tape that John Trachman (sp?) the head of the Militia of Montana made when interviewing a lawman who claims he heard this at the meeting he attended in North Dakota on 4/28.

That's all I know. If true, getting it out may stop it; if it's BS or it is cancelled, we will never know.

In any case, a lot of people will be sleeping with the safety off for a while. ;)

[This message has been edited by Leadfoot (edited May 29, 1999).]
Sleeping with the safety off might be the silliest, most irresponsible thing posted on TFL yet.

I know you weren't being literal, but the whole existence of this thread I find a little eerie.

You are proposing that there are Local LEOs all over the country willing to shoot US citizens because Louise Freeh and soon to be former AG Reno ask them to.

I heard on Art Bell the other night that there is a subterainean civilization on Mars, that sends people here to warn us of the damage that Global warming can do.. but I'm not gonna stop driving a V8.

Art Bell... Man - he has one f**ked up show! I must admit though - I listened to him quite often on duty while patrolling VA streets. He kept me entertained, that is for sure!

Almost as funny as the notion of assasinations. The US doesn't do that anymore... If we did - do you think Saddam would still be kicking? Or any other bozo that has been mentioned on CNN more than 100 times?

Of course - this could be a lead for OJ and his hunt for Nicole's murderers!

I agree with Rob that this seems a bit over the top. But our government has brought much of this upon themselves.

Turn back the clock 50 years, heck, 30 years. Imagine describing to people of that era what happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge? Burning church compounds because the people are too afraid to come out? Shooting a kid in the back while he's running away? Shooting a mother with a baby in her arms? They would have considered you crazy.

TFL members have discussed Ms. Reno in the past; but let's not forget Freeh is equally a stooge for the Eurocrats/Clintonistas/HCI, et al.

Forrest Grump
Rob, Of course I wasn't being literal about sleeping with the safety off, just making a point about heightened alert. (Condidition Yellow). Cocked and locked would be better. ;)
No offense intended, but this really *is* way out there, absent any facts to support the rumor. Aren't we stigmatized enough as "radical" and "paranoid fanatics" without giving the other side ammunition for their claims?

Without wishing to step on DC's toes, my first instinct is to lock this thread. However, I think we'll leave it open as a test of our Members' reason.

The entire premise is ludicrous. Unless Janet and Louis plan on doing this themselves, it could never be pulled off. And why would they telegraph it if it were true? I know several right thinking (that is, correct thinking) agents in several agencies (FBI, CIA and SS) that would never let this go very far. You would see hundreds of "Deep Throats" spring up.
Assuming the feds were accually planning assassinations, do you really believe for one minute they would let local law enforcement in on it? No way! The local guys couldn't be trusted to play ball. Hell, they might even betray Reno by obeying the law! Nope, can't have that.
Then again, maybe it's not as far off-base as it sounds. Imagine; the fed lets this rumor get out, and of course, we all laugh and say it's BS. In the meantime, R & F are actually consulting with a select few police chiefs and/or commissioners who are well known for their anti-gun sentiments. These in turn recruit a few "hand-picked specialists" from their respective forces.
Not saying this is true, just saying we shouldn't dismiss it too lightly. As has been pointed out, if you had told the average citizens 30 years ago what would happen at Waco & Ruby Ridge, that our government had deliberately infected people with VD, that soldiers were subjected to life-threatening radiation levels just to see what would happen, they'd have thought you were a raving lunatic.

What better way to hide an outrageous and unbelievable truth than to put it in plain sight?

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they AREN'T out to get you regards, Richard

[This message has been edited by 45King (edited May 30, 1999).]
O.K. O.K. O.K....

Let's get real. It's easy to get caught up in conspiracy theories (the U.S. Govt is in league with the Grey Aliens and are allowing them to abduct and abuse...sexually... millions, who don't even know it). But this is rediculous.

I don't believe for one minute that a plan that would be as far ranging as this could be kept secret. And besides, these "militias" are nothing more than a few nuts with SKS's who cover thier beer bellies with camoflage. My veiw of them is harsh, but in my opinion they actually do more harm to gun owners than the politicos. The media loves to tie the average gun owning citizen to these goof balls.

They are hardly a threat. In fact, I would say they do more for the antis in swaying public opinion against us than any one group. Whenever I see a news story about some "militia" group, I cringe in horror. I know someone somewhere is watching the same thing, and because I'm pro gun, I'm being associated with them. Ugh.

Oh by the way, there are no such things as BLACK HELICOPTERS.

I think we need to disregard this "information". It sounds like something created to get attention by people or persons with far too much time on thier hands.


Check me out at:
I think Dennis makes an excellent point here. Our government(s) has created the climate for these concerns. I hope the pendulum reverses direction soon - many tell me we're due for a return of more logical thought. We'll see.

Now, I was certainly aware of the Martian connection, but the Grey Aliens really have me worried ... ;)
With a smile, I would point out that some helicopters *look* black (even if they aren't).
More seriously, the word assassin probably is not accurate but there may be SOME logic to the thought.

If we believe that "More Guns, Less Crime" is a valid premise, those who create and enforce gun laws contribute to needless and avoidable deaths of victims consequently unable to defend themselves.

If one of those victims were one of my loved ones, I would feel our "leaders" are partially to blame.

Okay, Okay. So I twisted the thread just a bit :)
Oh, BTW, we frequently see a twin-engined turboprop plane literally dog-fighting with a twin-jet "business" plane. We have been told they are Border Patrol pilots training for drug interdiction flights. I CAN tell you this, the first plane (turboprop) flew so close to the surface of our lake that it caused ripples in the water! That's LOW! The jet just stayed on his butt like a state trooper after a biker. Great fun to watch!
PS. I don't like Boxer, the Clintons, Feinstein, Fonda, Freeh, Kennedy, Reno, Schumer, my eighth grade math teacher, (mumbling,fades out,....)
As has been mentioned,the greatest problem in all of this is that bill has lowered the bar so far that we are willing to consider such things as being plausible.
I am worried about Bill. I worry about all of his secret executive orders and his one-world ideas.

Better days to be,
