Removing rust

Terry A

New member
I have an Ithaca stotgun that was born in 1971. It's starting to show some minor rust along the barrel on the receiver end. Is there any way of removing it or at least stopping it from spreading with re-blueing the whole thing?
The best method I've found for removing rust is to use 0000 steel wool.

DO NOT apply oil during the removal process. Dust out the steel wool frequently and do not allow the removed rust particles to build up on the surface.

0000 steel wool is too fine to damage a blued finish unless you get very vigorous in your rubbing, in fact, polishing with 0000 steel wool is the final step in the bluing process.

The issue is that the RUST is abrasive. If you let the rust particles build up in the steel wool or on the surface while you're rubbing it will take off the bluing. That's why you don't want to use oil while you're removing the rust-- it retains the iron oxide particles forming an abrasive compound.

AFTER you get all the rust off (at some point you'll realize you're not going to make any further progress) then apply oil to the finish to protect it.
Fisherman66 and JohnKSa,
Thanks for the good info. I appreciate you guys taking the time to help here.
Thanks again!