Removing bolt pin on Model 41 slide


New member
Hey Guys,

I am having an odd issue with a recent S&W Model 41 Performance Center. While attempting to remove the extractor in order to diagnose some FTE issues, I've run into a problem with the slide pin. Basically, I am trying to do this...

Looks pretty simple, right?

For the life of me, I just cannot remove this pin. A bit of knocking moves it a tiny amount. When I try to push it back, I hear/feel a click. Like its captive somehow. I even called S&W and they said there is no trick to it, it should just come out.

Would appreciate some guidance. Otherwise, I would have to find a decent gunsmith here in NY area, which is a very difficult task. My only other option is to mail it back to S&W, which would be a huge pain in the @$$.
Get a 2 x 4 and drill a small hole in it. This becomes your bench-block. Place the slide on top of it such that the pin can be driven down into the hole.

Be sure you use a straight punch. Tapered punches will get stuck. General rule (but there are exceptions) pins are driven from the right side out towards the left.
Hi Gary,

Thanks very much for responding. I am using this bench block as backing.

Punches are straight with a non marring tip. Trying to push the pin from the right side as per video. Still wont come out. I hate to take it to a gunsmith due to failure to remove one pin. But, that sounds better than damaging the slide.

Still, this is bothering me a great deal... How difficult can it be to remove one pin!?
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1,600px × 1,600px is waaaaay too big.
Why would you want to remove the extractor in order to diagnose FTE issues?
Smith 41's are notoriously fussy(Mine will only shoot and cycle Remington Target and the discontinued IVI Standard velocity.) about what ammo they'll both shoot well and cycle using. Performance Center or not. You absolutely must try a box of as many brands of ammo as you can to find the ammo that particular M41 likes. The price of said ammo means nothing. Nor does having more than one M41. No two will shoot and cycle using the same ammo.
Change ammo before you do anything else.
Sorry about the huge image. Fixed.

The issues are actually pretty recent. Pistol is about 5 years old with well over 10k rounds through it. Vast majority of which were CCI Standard Velocity which worked perfectly fine.

Started seeing several different kind of malfunctions recently ranging from empty chamber on a full mag after first shot, several kinds of stovepipes including one with casing wedged in backwards with a live round half way into the chamber. I did try at least 4 different standard velocity ammo offerings. All had issues. Only ones that worked fine are high velocity ones. Like I was saying, this is all very recent.

My goal was to detail strip everything for a thorough clean. Given that I cant seem to get past this pin... I suppose, I can have a gunsmith take a look at it and the issues I've been having or just mail it back to S&W.
I would suggest cleaning the chamber first. A dirty chamber will make for poor extraction (and hence ejection). Take a toothpick and scrape the claw of the extractor. Then finish with solvent and small brush.

BTW, your benchblock is fine.
The Performance Shop may have upset the pin or put it in with Loctite to be sure it doesn't loosen spontaneously. I would call them and ask if they do that. If they used Loctite, it may require heat to remove it.

If a drop of sweat got in one end of the pin tunnel, there could be corrosion holding it. A drop of Gunzilla or Kroil put on the end and allowed to penetrate and sit for a couple of days will loosen something like that.

Note that the image you provided of the block is from a copyrighted source. Please take your own photo of the block and read the board rules on posting copyrighted material.
the Schematic picture of that pin on Brownells site shows that it has a groove around the head side of the pin, like a spring or something will lock it into place there
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Not a groove. Just a smeared-together pair of double-lines for the turned edge of the head. No retaining clip or snap ring is shown as there would be if there were a groove for one.
Thanks very much for responding!

I spoke with S&W and according to them, there is no special trick to removing the pin. The right side end of the pin is definitely swagged though.

I won't be messing around with it any longer. I already hit it as hard as I date to. Will likely send it back to S&W to diagnose the various issues and to check on the pin as well.

I went through the same thing with mine. Was a bit surprised at the force needed to remove the pin. All I can say is hit it like you mean it.

In my case the extractor was the issue. Replaced it with a Volquartsen extractor and the gun has been 100% ever since. And the pin goes in and out now just fine, too. :)

Here is a link to the old thread.

Look at the picture in post #25. The extractor wasn't gripping down at the junction between the case body and rim. Maybe you have the same issue. The stock 41 extractors are very poor quality compared to the Volquartsen. Compare yours to this pic.

Hope that helps.

This is exactly what I was trying to do. After narrowing my problem down to a probable extractor issue, I did some checking and saw the Volquartsen extractor on sale for about $12 or so. I figured... let me just swap it out and see what happens.

I hit that pin as hard as I ever hit anything I was NOT trying to destroy, it just would not come out. Tried a number of different punches, punch sets, hammers, oil, bases... etc. Just will not move.

After calling a few local gunsmiths (none of them wanted to touch it) and S&W, I figured let me quit while I'm ahead and send the pistol back to S&W before I end up with a huge gouge in the side of the slide from my pin removal crusade. While they have it, they can diagnose everything else.

I still have the Volquartsen extractor. Perhaps I can install it after S&W unjams that pin for me. On the bright side, the shipping to S&W was relatively painless and free. Since Performance Center pistols have lifetime warranty, S&W generated the ship label and my FFL did the rest. No charge on anything so far from S&W nor FFL.

Will update once its back.
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Pistol just came back from S&W and it looks like they were able to replicate the problems I was having... and then some.

Service performed section of the invoice lists the following:

Replace Bolt Face
Replace Extractor
Replace Ejector

Overall service was excellent and pretty quick. Complete turnaround in about a month which is great considering I sent it out mid-December.

No charge at all for work done. Not even for shipping back and forth.

Haven't had a chance to try it yet but I ordered an 8lb spring to see if it will work with standard velocity CCI ammo.