removing a c-lect choke from a Mossburg 500


I picked up a Westernfield 550 (Mossburg 500) 12 ga. at a pawn shop with the intent of making a 'Katrina memorial Ray Nagin kiss my wet Cajun arse' home defence gun. My idea is to remove the adjustable choke, shorten the tube and re-mount the choke for a legal length of 18.5 in. the guestion is, how is the c-lect choke attached to a plain barrel? How to remove without screwing both up? HELP!! thanks in advance, John
Hello, Wolverine

Thanx for your reply, sir. So the choke is threaded on? Will righty-tighty lefty- loosey work, or is it left hand thread? You see, I want to re-mount the choke on the shortened barrel, without fouling up!

Ok, I'm confused. one gent says it's threaded, another says brazed. If it's brazed, I'm left with mo choice but to wack it to length and leave it cylinder bore, or buy another barrel. I was hoping to make something unique, 18.5 in. length including the adj. choke. Does anyone know how Mossburg attached these things?

Dear Sir'
Just cut the choke off just behind it and then true the bbl!
However, I'd never do it. If you ever shoot a person it doesn't end there - your life is ruined then.
Your Mossberg if every bit as lethal (more so) with the choke on as it will be off - don't do it - it will be a dead giveaway!
Harry B.
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Mossberg 500 - spare barrel

Take a look on ebay or Gunbroker. There are usually dozens of new and used Mossberg 500 barrels up for auction. You can leave the original barrel as is and have at the new one.