Remove the American flag now!

Ernest T. Bass

New member
The stage has been set. The process works. Now that the state of South Carolina has been pressured into removing the confederate flag from over its Statehouse, so as not to loose tourist revenue and offend a particular segment of the population, it is now time for us to ban together to remove the american flag from above the white house and from anytype of public display. You see my brothers, I'm and american indian. To me no greater symbol of reppression, genocide, dirty tricks, lying, or discrace exits in the world. It is the symbol of a country whose government steals, cheats, murders, and lies! As our gret chief Red Cloud said "They made us many promises, more then I can remember but kept only one. They promised to take our land and they took it. The army made purses out of the breasts of our wifes, cut off our childrens ears and hung thme on their hats and committed other atrocities to terrible to express. We remain as a group some of the longest held prisoners of war in history. Whose else has been forced to live on a reservation system. So my native american brothers and friends, will you join me in my quest to have this hellish symbol of torrment removed from public display. Donations would be appreciated.
A good point, but lets not forget the terror that the infidels felt during the Crusades when they saw the CROSS!

Better days to be,

"So my native american brothers and friends, will you join me in my quest to have this hellish symbol of torrment removed from public display."

Ernest T., I say that you make a good point. The flag of the United States, in its evolution of adding stars, can easily be offensive to a Native American.(Notice capitalization but no hyphenation). I understand just as well how the Confederate Battle Flag would be offensive to others.
That stated, I wish to say that I believe the only flags that should fly OVER a state capitol building is that of the State and that of the United States - same altitude. The symbolic flags of yesteryear should take their places in the hallowed halls of the buildings, in special, high-visibility areas with NO regard as to who may take offense. NONE.
In addition, since the burning of the US flag, which I consider the ultimate offense, has been deemed a right of expression by the Supreme Court, I feel just as strongly about any CITIZEN'S right to display whichever flag they choose at home or over their business. Whether they fly the Stars and Stripes, the Stars and Bars, the Hammer and Sycle, or the Nazi flag. It's a God-given right in this country, like it or not. (Damned hard for me to say it, though, and I will not do business with those I choose not to). The interesting part, and the part that will convince those who fly 'offensive' flags that something needs to change, is whether they have any friends or any business. The bad part about it is that this freedom also allows the continuation of 'cliques' dividing us even further. :(

It does sound like your post is on the sarcastic side, and I looove sarcasm. I've read that speech by Red Cloud, a really great orator and statesman, IMHO. I just can't remember him, for the life of me, asking for donations. :)

My very best to all, Terry

[This message has been edited by TMoney (edited January 21, 2000).]