Removable velcro cartridge holder v. fixed plastic cartridge holder


New member
Hey guys!

I'm wondering what y'all think about advantages and disadvantages of having either soft removable velcro shotshell holder on the side of the receiver (like this one) v. having a rigid fixed plastic one (like this one).

Looking forward to you thoughts.
I'm a fan of the faithful $5 fix. I guess if you have a synthetic stock I wouldn't care but if it's nice wood you're gluing velcro to i'm not a fan for my own guns.

+1 for velcro side saddles. I've had mine, from S&J Hardware, for more than two years. It's seen lots of hard use in competition, range shooting, and being loaded with shells for HD. Compared to the plastic/aluminum versions, they had practically zero weight/bulk to the gun. You can have more cards ready to slap on, and you get color options (if that matters to you).
My 870P:
That S&J and similar ones have the one piece glued to the receiver? Are the plastic ones attached with longer receiver pins or screws that don't mark up the receiver when removed?
Yes, the S&J has a velcro base adhered to the receiver. Most conventional side saddles use longer pins. Not sure if they use any sort of padding to avoid marking up the finish. I've also seen a version where it's a combination of the two - a plastic side saddle that attaches with velcro. Couldn't say who made it, though.
CB, I think you are referring to something like this.

Also, I agree with your guys' vote for the velcro-based systems.
- they seem to have more positive hold on the cartridges (preventing them from falling out due to recoil, even when cartridges are placed with primer facing down).
- they are swappable -- facilitating efficient reloading
- they can be placed pretty much anywhere on the stock and receiver (and removed from the stock for shooting left-handed; the permanent screwed plastic holders punches one in the cheeckbone during recoil when shooting from support side).
- velcro-based systems cost less (sometimes much less) than plastic ones. so if one wears out, it can be replaced easily.
- no need to alter factory system for holding trigger group in place and rely on aftermarket screws to attach plastic holders to the receiver

Now that I think of it, I frankly cannot see any downsides to using velcro based systems. Can anyone point out any significant downsides?
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Downside? - I would not stick an adhesive backed loop pad to my 40+ year old Remington 870 Wingmaster; not on the stock, not on the receiver.