Remington's new #10 caps are perfect!

Remington kid

New member
Well, for many years I have used #1075 caps, CCI #10, Remingtons old #10 and #11. Bought some new #1075 the other day and I was a little disapointed. They through pieces back in my face right under my left for some reason and had a few jams with them. They worked perfect before but they must have changed something. Anyway I had my wife pick up some of the new Remington #11 caps at Wally world the other day (They were out of #10) and I still don't like the way I have to pinch them to put them on. That's just not right and they still fall off now and then and I really don't like that!
Yesterday while at our local Mom and Pop store I picked up some new #10 Remington caps and I'm here to tell you they are perfect!:) I read a few articals about how Remington has improved the fit of there caps and added a little extra power. They were right, these caps fit my Pietta Remington .44 like a glove. Just need to shove them home and fit nice and snug.Real big improvement over the older caps.
Fired 4 cylinders this afternoon and not one cap jam, no sparks in the face and the nipples are clean as a whistle.That's the way it should be.
hey mike,i have tried # 10's and they fit too tight.are you saying there are new ones out now that fit better?
I get a nice fit from the #11 caps. I had tried the german made #1075 and was a little disappointed, they fit some nipples perfectly sometimes and other times they were not going on there without being hit with a hammer--and thats a bad idea. :eek: I ended up throwing some of them away because I just couldnt get them on the gun.

I do pinch the #11 caps just slightly to get a good tight fit and that doesn't bother me but if I can find some #10s I'll try them out and see how they do with my pistol. I had just bought another pack of #11s and it says on the package "40% hotter" and I believe it. They blow up real good! :)
Kevn, I don't know when Remington started making these new caps because it's been a while sinse I used there originals and never did like them.
After reading a new book I got the other day they talked about the new Remington caps and how much better they are so I gave them a try and they were right. The caps are a little thicker on the sides, more power and much better fit.
On my Remington I just place the caps on with my fingers and then run them all the way down with a 6" long doll rod with a little piece of leather glued on both end's. As you shove it on you can feel just how nicely it fits on the nipple. They are great!
We all know that these Remingtons and the Ubertis are famous for nipples that are not unifomly machined so it may not be the same for your guns. Just try it and see.If all else fails and you want better nipples that are made to take the caps then you can buy american made nipples.
The #1075 have always been perfect fit for mine but the new ones are terriable. I'm thinking that these companies are leaning to a better fit for the inline muzzle loaders which to me are not muzzle loaders at all. But that's an arguement for another day:)
Been in the same boat for years - I've avoided Remington caps because I didn't care for having to reprime remaining cylinders every few shots and couldn't seem to pinch 'em enough to make a dif - 11s still fell off! Good to hear they've changed something - I'm always on the lookout for an improvement! I'll have to find some of these new #10s and give 'em a try.
I've ALWAYS preferred American nipples, Mike.

I just bought 200 Remington no. 11 caps Sunday. They are the new ones so I opened one and found out they are loose fitting after reading this thread. I have to pinch them a little to make them stay on. They are really loose on my .32 squirrel rifle too but I can live with loose there, I guess. I've not shot them yet but I'm going to have to take the unopened box of 11s back to trade for some 10s.

I would have had both of them unopened to return if I had only BELIEVED, huh Mike?

Steve, That's alright, the #11 will do in a "pinch", Ha!! that was good :)
Lightening and heavy rain here this morning so stayed home. I'm giveing that buck the day off ;)
Mike I Use The Rem Caps And I Have To Pinch Them Also .but Im So Used To It Now That Its No Big Deal.

Steve, I've Always Wanted One Of Those Squirrel Guns! I Bet Its Pretty Cool To Take One With That .32.
Yeah, Kevin, it is. I've had mine 13 or 14 years and have used it a lot. The thing I was most surprised about was how destructive it was! A head shot is a must. About the same results as a .22 magnum hollow-point. 30 grains of FFF and a .310 ball shoots the best out of mine. It's also a convertible. I can put a vent in the drum-and-nipple hole and put the flintlock on it. For some reason, even though it does fine as a percussion rifle, It just doesn't shoot as good when I have the flinchlock, er... flintlock on it. Can't imagine why that should be.

well steve,i ve always wanted one of those rifles but they are about 3-4 bills aint they?thats what has keep me from getting one,but its coming.thats surprising about the power!could you come down in the charge and still hit but not make such a mess?
They were around 3 when I got mine, they are 5 something now. Ah progress! I worked days at the bench when I got mine figuring out what it liked best and settled on the 30 grain charge. It's been so long since I tried anything else I don't remember specifics but there was a better group with the 30 grain charge than anything else and, for squirrels, that accuracy was the most important factor. I get to use the squirrel rifle for small game during a big part of the year so I can play with a muzzle loader and go hunting, too. I have an 1861 Springfield .58 that's fun but the only thing you can hunt with it is big game, practically anyway, so it doesn't get nearly the quality time with it's owner the .32 does. If theres any way to swing acquiring a .32, you won't regret it. (Unless it won't group, of course) I bought a second one for my son when he was a kid. It was not a Tennessee Squirrel Rifle from Dixie like mine but shot just as well. He still has it.

[/IMG]Steve, I agree about the 30-35g giving great accuracy in a .32 and what a pleasure to shoot. Red fox , coon and squirrel will all fall very well from a .32 ball. The .45. I like 55g and it will knock a deer on it's butt.
I built these two long toms in 1992 from scratch and it took me almost a year and that was working on them a few hours every day except for a day or two here and there.One was copied from a original PA Long rifle and the other was from a Kentucky Long rifle. Did alott of fancy carving on them that you can't see here and I also inlayed a 1992 penny in each one,lol. The stocks were just a 2.5"x8"x 72" piece of wood when I got them. Did alott of special things like set triggers and chamfering the barrels along with many other things.
Another option is to get a drop in Green Mountain barrel. I bought one for my TC in .40, but you can get one from .32 all the way up to shotgun. The barrels are real drop in, i.e. they have the sights, lock (flint/percussion) nipple, and ramrod included for about $150. Here is a link for the drop ins for the TC but they have them for others also, just go to the home page and click on muzzleloader parts. Barrel link