New to this forum and the world of firearms, so please excuse my ignorance. Recently purchased my first handgun (Ruger GP100).
Just wondering what everyone thinks about Remington UMC ammunition for use at the range. I have spoke with many people regarding ammunition choices and get a variety of responses that usually include, "American vs Foreign" and "Clean vs Dirty". I always select from the major American manufacturers and Remingtion ammunition is fairly easy to obtain in my area. I purchase Remington Express for HD and practice with it, but it gets very expensive. Many times I just want to go to the range, have some fun and improve my marksmanship. Thanks for the help, and any other economical ammunition suggestions would be appreciated.
Just wondering what everyone thinks about Remington UMC ammunition for use at the range. I have spoke with many people regarding ammunition choices and get a variety of responses that usually include, "American vs Foreign" and "Clean vs Dirty". I always select from the major American manufacturers and Remingtion ammunition is fairly easy to obtain in my area. I purchase Remington Express for HD and practice with it, but it gets very expensive. Many times I just want to go to the range, have some fun and improve my marksmanship. Thanks for the help, and any other economical ammunition suggestions would be appreciated.