Remington Model "7LS" - ?


New member
I'm in the market for a smaller caliber centerfire rifle. I would like to stay with the 223 cartridge as I will not be shooting any large game, mostly varmint control on the in-law's ranch. Originally I wanted a 22 magnum but the rifle I really want, the HK300, is major dollars just for the rifle, let alone the mounts and scope. Yes, I have considered other 22 magnum rifles and have done quite a bit of archive searching and talking and it seems to be fairly evident that although the Marlin's and Ruger's are "adequate", they just don't seem to make folks jump up and down (shooting a friend's HK300 made me jump up and down!).

Getting more to the point, I like the smaller size and portability of the HK300 so I am considering the Remington Model 7LS in .223. It is lighter and shorter than the 700 series rifles.

Do any of you have any first-hand experience with the Model 7LS?

Comments apreciated.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!
A few months ago a friend of mine with severe disabling arthritus called to ask me what light bolt action .223 I would recommend. He has extreme difficulty raising or holding a rifle for any period of time due to his condition. Without hesitation I recommended the model 7. I also suggested he might consider the Browning as it is a few onces lighter. He choice the Remington because of the price difference. He has never been more happy with a rifle and now recommends the little model 7 to anyone who ask and many who don't. :) I don't see how you could go wrong. Light weight, accurate and reasonably priced.


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