Remington Model 37 and Unertl Scope


New member
I just purchased a rifle from an estate sale and would appreciate any info anyone can give. The rifle is marked Remington Rangmaster Model 37 and has ser #11095. It appears to have a heavy barrel and thumbhole (custom?) stock. More interesting to me is the scope. The scope is marked J.Unertl 35003 and has 20 marked on top on the scope. the scope is at least 18" long and the only adjustments are provided by the mounts. Any info at all would be appreciated. Not interested in selling, just bought it because I liked it and want to know more about it. Thanks.
ONewman, Congratulations on your purchase and welcome here! I suppose that you purchased this rig because it looked good to you hey?
Way to go! Look into what you have and enjoy every little bit of it!
Best Regards & Good Shooting "because that rifle should be wonderful"
The Unertl scope was made by the firm of John Unertl. Unertl was one of the premier scope makers in the target shooting community in the '30s. The USMC liked them enough to adapt the 8X to their sniper version of the Springfield 1903 rifle. Remember the scope on the GI's sniper rifle in Saving Private Ryan? Not the short receiver mounted Lyman Alaskan (M81 or M82) used earlier in the movie but the long barrel mounted one which was featured when there was a sniper v. sniper duel? That's a Unertl and the Unertl saw extensive service with the USMC in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam (Hathcock's Model 70 was equipped with a Unertl).

I'm no expert on Unertl scopes but most of them, except for the current one used today by the USMC, have no internal adjustment capability and were adjusted by their mounts. I'm not sure what the "20" is and if it a high magnification, perhaps it means 20 power (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

The firm is still around and supplies the 10x scope the USMC uses on their M40A1 Sniper rifles. I think the son (or was it grandson just passed away recently).

I'm not sure on this but I believe that the original Unertl was a sniper in WWI. It is reputed that he (or was it somebody else) layed out in no-man's land for three days, defecating in his pants so as not to move, to wait for his target. He got it and returned to American lines.

Your Remington Model 37 Target Rifle was first issued in 1937. For more information, I suggest you repost in Harley Nolden's forum here at the Firing Line. Harley's library makes mine look like the children's section.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Hi, ONewman,

The Model 37 was Remington's top line target rifle from 1937 through 1954. It was followed by the Model 40x in 1955. The Model 37 was fully competitive with the much better known Winchester Model 52. The Unertl scope is indeed 20 power and once again was a top line target scope of the period.

There were only about 12000 Model 37s made, so it also has collector value. The Blue Book shows a top value of $700 in 100% condition. The scope adds some.

If you choose to use the rifle, it should do well even today in .22 competition.

Thanks for your input. I have since learned a little more about this rilfe and scope and have learned that they were pretty much state of the art about 1940 or so :) I have taken it into the shop and had it throughly cleaned up and learned that it is in near perfect condition. Sometimes you just live right. Now if I can only find an original Model 37 stock I'll be satisfied (yeah right)so that I can return the gun to original condition.