Remington Genesis .50 cal Rifle


New member
Ok, so I was looking through the cabelas sight yesterday and noticed the new Remington genesis rifle. The design looked interesting enough and after watching the video it looks even better. I was planning on getting the base model that is around 280. I have not seen too many reviews on the net for this and would like to ask any of you who actually have one or have shot one to give me your honest opinion. For those of you that have never shot it or don't own one please don't chime in on other brands (I have a lot of other muzzle loaders). If a friend or family member does have one then please add to the discussion.
I stay away from ANY inline that has to have a priming tool to operate.

I was at the range with a guy a couple days ago, that forgot his priming tool, and had to return to his house to get it.

Kind of hard to do that if your hunting, kinda kills the whole day.

Just my 2 cents.
I see this was posted a few weeks ago but I'll go ahead and respond in case you're still wondering. I own a Genesis. I love mine! The problems you hear about from people on different forums are not justified in my opinion. Most could not have picked one up or they would know that the stuff they complain about isn't true. A couple things I hear negaive.
1) Spanish Barrell. Yeah it's true it's Spanish but mine shoots wonderfully (1in groups at 100yrds) and I can shoot several different types of bullets and power combinations and still get great accuracy. They are tested for pressure capiabilites and they can withstand 150g. Most never use that anyway.
2) Scope Mounting. I have medium mounts on mine and there is PLENTY of room. The block only rises about 1/4 in above the barrel.
3) Trigger Pull. It's got a 4lb pull and it is very smooth. 98% of people wouldn't change it even if they could.

Overall it preforms just as good as the Omega or the Optima which is what everyone wants to compare it to. It is quite easy to clean and doesn't foul any more than any other ML. I'm not sure what the guy below was talking about having to use a priming tool... Its very easy to cap/decap and I've even done it w/large gloves on before. Go shoot one is my only advice. I love mine and don't plan on buying anything else for a long time. You'll have to decide for yourself though.
thanks for the reply. As far as scope mounting I cant hunt black powder/ml here in SD with a scope (iron sights only). Thanks for the other advice. I think that i will pick one up later this year or hopefully the wife will leave one under the tree for me on christmas (have been leaving catalogs and printouts all over the place with this rifle).:)

Tirgger pull I can live with. I already have an optima so I will be able to do a first hand comparison. Was a little intrigued about the capping system and since the gun is fairly well priced compared to the others out there i won't be to disappointed if it doesn't fit my likes. Thanks again.
yeah I already saw that article. When he isreferring to pot metal I think he is referring to the MIM parts in the gun. MIM parts are great for manufacturers, but I am not too happy about them. I own many Lyman, Thompson and Knight ML's that I swear by. I do own an OPTIMA, but only because it was a gift. The remington has had zero safety issues that I could find and I think this article reads a little too much like an op ed piece that gives no light to specific facts based reasoning. Like everything you read or see on the net take it for what it is worth and with a grain of salt.

Personally I will be getting the genisis and will do a nice impartial review on the gun.
Remington Genesis

I just purchased a Remington Gensis ML and first time shooting drilled a 1 inch group of three shots at 100 yards.

I let my best friend who is a long time Omega fan/owner through a few down range and loved the feel and quality of the ML.

Only time will tell but up to this point I really like the Genesis.
just saw that you resurrected one of my old threads.

I guess it deserves a status update.

I never bought the Remington Genesis. I really decided that I don't need another muzzle loader, especially since I only shoot my smoke poles at best once a month and I always use my plainsman or kentucky when hunting (traditionalist).

happy shooting.

Remington Genesis questions

Just fired my Genesis for the first time. After 30 shots, still not comfortable I have it zeroed in. I am new to inline, but been hunting flint lock and rifle for over 25 years.
What other loads are people using? I am shooting 250gr TC Hollow Points with 110GR Winchester 7. Kicks pretty hard, and I am not that small.
I have a group at 100 yards about 3 inches, but get a flyer with each group. Shooting with a scope as well.
What have others found as a good load for this gun as I am not happy with what I have. Since I am new to inline, is this acceptable?

Every so often, I would run a cloth down the barrel. It seems to me the rod is too short. One time I passed it to far down and needed plyers to get it out. A cheap way to save a buck, or normal for inline?

Also, after I brought it home, had a hell of a time getting the breach out. Unsure if I had blow bye or what. This normal for any inline? Easy to clean, just a pain to get the breach out, I can see why the manual says to use a never seeze compound. Very smooth once out, cleaned and put back...

I'll be emailing Remington with my complaints on the rod length and also the breach sticking. I'll also be making a new post with this since this thread is old and may not be followed.
I'm just amazed that Remington (or any company) would name a new type of firearm Genesis! If it uses a solid or gaseous propellant to drive a projectile through the air, well that's been done before, and it isn't a genesis.

(Rant has concluded. You may carry on.)
I have a genesis I'd like to trade. It's the stainless model with the thumbhole/laminate stock. Looking to trade for a bolt action rifle suitable for deer sized game. Would also consider trading for a pistol/revolver. Do you have anything for trade?