Remington 870 Problem


I have a 12 gauge Wingmaster 870 Magnum ( has a 3in ejector because the S/N ends with an M) that has "12 Gauge Magnum for 3 in shell" stamped on the barrel. Will this reciever/barrel combo shoot 2 3/4 in shells too? Everytime I shoot a 2 3/4 in shell it is not properly ejected.. 3 in shell eject perfectly.. I have this gun for years and it has done this since i purchased it new in the 1980's..Never worried about it before cause I always shot 3 in shells..
How is it not ejecting the shorter shells? Not kicking them all the way out? Take a shell that has been shot and reinsert it into the chamber, pull the trigger and pull back hard on the forearm. I would check that the extractor on the bolt is moving freely. That the extractor groove on the barrel is free of gunk. Mark
Are you shooting low brass 2 3/4 shells?

I've seen low brass shells cause problems ejecting because the cheap, soft rim metal is ripped / deformed by the extractor.

If you are ejecting 3" shells without a problem, it sounds like its the ammo, not the gun.

Try high brass 2 3/4 shells and see what happens.