Remington 7600 35 whelen question...


New member
Hi guys! What do you guys think about this carbine for defensive purpose? I live out in the mountain and I'm not concerned with over penetration and consider this handy carbine for all purpose rifle...
Defense against what?

Against humans - poor choice. A defensive weapon is only such at very short ranges. Basically anything further than you can throw a rock and you are outside of a "self defense" situation (unless you are in a movie and your house is surrounded by bad guys or injuns). Realistic self-defense range against a real human aggressor is very close. That calls for an easily mounted, easily maneuvered weapon. Shotguns - yes. Handguns - yes. AR-type weapons - maybe. Hunting type weapons - there are better choices.

Just my two cents for what it's worth.
Well... My experience in the military under some deploys, and as police officer for over 10 years showed me that handguns are very poor choices in self defense situations.
Because of my job, I've seen many situations where people were attacked in their house. Home invasion is not just on tv or just a concept....
So I agree that on the street self defense situation happen at close range, but in real life and not on tv, some people are attacked in their houses especially when they live out in the country because the police can not respond very fast.
So forthe kind of situation where my dog is yelling at night or if I hear strange noises in my backyard, I won't pull out a handgun...
I agree but pump action in caliber 12 are forbidden in my country (only side by side or over under). Pump action are only allowed in rifle caliber :(
I think the 7600 would be fine home defence,Must of missed the self defence part.Have 2 myself 270 & 308 like them both.never had a problem both are fast reliable & LIGHT.;)
I'd prefer the 7600 if it were a Carbine...Not sure the 7600 carbine was ever chambered in .35 Whelan, but I know it was in .30-06...

I have a 7400 carbine (06) that is handy in the brush, and I would not hesitate to grab it if I needed an HD weapon and I was close to it...
Plom, please clarify and answer 2 questions for us.
#1 Where are you?
#2 Are you going to buy a gun for a defensive purpose or
#3 are you asking about a gun you have already?

If you were going to go out and buy something new I'd recommend an AK47 loaded with soft points.

If you already have the 7600, you can use it just fine.

The only real down side to the Rem 7600 is that some of them are not super reliable. If you own one and it works perfectly, you'd be just fine with it. I would not say it's "the very best tool" for that job, but it is fine and its way better than a hand gun and in many cases it is going to be better than a shot gun. At least as good as a shotgun anyway and faster to reload if you have a few extra magazines.

It's always 98% the man and only 2% what he's using.
I'm betting wherever he is that he can not own a rifle in a 'military' caliber...


The only real down side to the Rem 7600 is that some of them are not super reliable.

Just curious...

What exactly do you not find reliable about the 7600?
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thanks for the replies guys! Actually I'm in Europe in the Alpes mountains. I have a permit for buy military calibers Rifles but the new incomings law are going to prohibit them so this is why I'm turning my choice to hunting calibers.
I just purchased the Remington 7600 because I got a great deal on it.
I was looking after a compact allround carbine and started to think about it as defensive tool.


Never heard of them not being reliable,Heard folks complain about triggers,rattling,hard to clean. But I've owned a few & shot thousands of rounds through them, IS the 7600 Reliable yes,you can bet your tail on it.:D

BTW, PLOM Good lookin little rifle.:cool: