remington 7400


i was thinking into buying the remington7400
. does it work on the same principle as the SKS? the reason i ask is when i shoot the SKS
god forbid i am not wearing ear protection youch!!! but when i shoot a bolt action hunting my ears dont bother me. will the rem
7400 be an ear splitter? or should i go with the pump instead?
First off you need to wear hearing protection whenever you shoot a firearm for practice or even while hunting if you have time to put it on. Your hearing is not something to mess around with. I'm real carefull and over the years even I've noticed a slight degradation of my hearing. Even while hunting I'll usually wear a Walkers Game Ear, it cuts out gunshots while amplifying natural sounds.

As for the 7400 it comes with 2 different length barrels. A 18" and I think a 22". I've shot a 18" and it is fairly loud. My friend Monty has a 22" and it is quite a bit quieter. But you will not have a problem with the sound if you use common sense and wear hearing protection.
Hi, Evhwg,

I don't know that the operating principle of a rifle has much to do with the noise level, but the SKS and the Remington, while both gas operated, are very different mechanisms. The SKS uses a medium stroke piston to operate a bolt carrier and unlock the tip up bolt. The Remington uses a gas jet and cup system that drives a double bar operating rod to unlock a multi-lug bolt head and drive back the carrier.

The Remington has a four round detachable magazine (although 10 rounders are available) and cannot be loaded from stripper clips; the SKS was designed to use an internal 10 round magazine loaded from stripper clips.



[This message has been edited by Jim Keenan (edited September 24, 1999).]