remington 722 barrel question


New member
Hello to all. I am new to this forum and hopefully putting this in the right place. I inherited a Remington 722 chambered in 222 Remington a few years ago when my father passed away. I have finally had time to clean it up and start working on a load for it. While cleaning it I noticed that there seams to be a spot in the barrel about 3" from the muzzle, (just under the front sight) that feels like a bulge had formed there or it eroded. I cant see or feel anything from the outside of the barrel. It is felt when running a jag and patch through. I'm assuming that this isn't supposed to be there. Also I've noticed what looks like pitting at the crown. I've cleaned until tired of moving my arm so I don't think its a dirt ring or fouling. I'm looking to confirm that my only option is to cut the barrel off just before the front sight and recrown. Or retire it to the safe or wall.
I did run 4 test loads through it. using 50gr nossler ballistic tip. The best group was 1-1/4" at 100yds. Worst group was 1-5/8". I'd like to see it much better then that.
You might be best off just rebarreling it. With a 22" barrel, cutting it to 18"-19" might not make it shoot any better at all. Short chambered barrels are available from Shilen, Douglas, Green Mountain, McGowen, etc.
Im pretty sure the factory barrel is 26" long. I'll have to measure it to double check. But it's long that's for sure. I don't have the money for a new barrel but have considered that. If it's not worth the risk then I may just wait and do that. But if I were to cut and recrown what is the optimal length for the 222
Yes the barrel is 26". Cutting it just passed the front sight would be 22". At this point it doesn't shoot so I can't break it any worse if getting a new barrel is my option. Might as well try and fix the one I have. Thanks for the barrel company info though.