Remington 7188


New member
I'm looking for anyone that can tell me about the Remington 7188. I've read that this shotgun saw limited use by special forces during the Vietnam conflict.

I'm interested in the specs., pictures, etc. for this shotgun. Apparently this was a fully automatic shotgun favored for its auto capability; however, was prone to jamming due to its complex operating system. Any info is appreciated.

Desert Rat,
I can think of two primary resources for information and pictures of the Remington 7188. They are the following:
The World's Fighting Shotguns by Chief Warrant Officer (ret.) Thomas Swearengan. It was published by Ironside Intrntl Publishers around 1979. Best amount of information in regards to its development and good b&w profile pictures.
Special Warfare, Special Weapons (vol.1) by Kevin Dockery. Published by Emporer's Press in 1996 or 1997. Has the only in-country photo of a 7188 issued (on a PBR), and it is pretty much a silhouette of the gun (poor light). I think Dockery's book offers more specs on it in a more organized fashion (as well as a photo of a 7188 being range tested on FA by him), as well as more information as to the troubles surrounding it. But Swearengen has the best photos of the gun itself (including a comparison photo of the 7188 and the 1100's trigger assemblies to display the differences).
Dockery also has a multi-use Role Playing Game weapons sourcebook outlining a variety of weapons and their specs titled Edge of the Sword that I think was published in '91 or '92 by R. Talsorian Games (Dockery created a role playing game called "The Morrow Project).

Thanks for the info. I'll check these out. By the way, how did that Remington contact info. for owners manuals work out for you in the Remington 11-87P post? I hope you found what you're looking for.

Desert Rat,
Have not received it yet, but hope to buy a few O rings for my 11-87. Thanks for the info. Are you looking to make a semi-auto lookalike of the 7188? I know that there was a semiauto prototype called the 7180. I have hoped to make such a set up myself, but I am reluctant to take off the front sight (rifle type) and have it put on a bayonet adapter (available from Scattergun Technologies) or have a set of ghost ring sights installed that would be inaccurate to the original specs.

Building a R7188 lookalike sounds interesting. However, I learned of the Remington 7188 shortly after I bought my 11-87P. I read about it in a Seal's memoirs and thought that, knowing Remington S/Gs, this particular version likely resembles the current day 11-87.

My knowledge about the 7188 is limited to a brief description; therefore, I have no clue as to what it looks like. As for my 11-87P, I opted for a plain bead front(I plan to use buckshot ({00 to 4} primarily and slugs occasionally).

I really have no real aspiration to modify it heavily. Save for the obligatory side saddle and quality sling. I'd sure like to hear about your ideas for building a 7188 clone from your 11-87.
Desert Rat,
I could send you a profile photo or two of the 7188 and 7180 from World's Fighting Shotguns.
In regard to modifying an 11-87, the only thing I would do is add on the bayonet adapter/mag extension support (available from Scattergun Technologies for around $100.00), but with rifle sights that means the front sight would have to be remounted in the adapter/support.
In regard to your post on the leather two-hook sling your searching for, are you planning to put it on your 11-87?
Do you have an 18 or 20 inch barrel on your 11-87?

Hi, I'd sure appreciate your sending those 7188 photos. As for my 11-87, it has an 18-1/2" barrel. Bead front sight. From the sounds of it, the 7188 is a dead ringer for the 11-87P except for an integral bayonet lug/forward mag tube bracket???

Does this mean they have an indentical operating system except for the full auto feature? I'd be glad to hear what you know about the 7188.

Concerning the military type sling, yes, I'm planning on mounting it on the 11-87P. I've found a sling maker who's work is superb. Check'em out at This guy knows how to build a sling!!

Desert Rat,
The 7188 and 7180 were based on the 1100 system (more finicky gas system than 11-87) and according to Dockery, the components necessary to make an 1100 into a 7188 were a full auto trigger assembly and the barrel with bayonet mount and mag extension. I'm not sure of compatibility of the 1100/7188 with the 11-87 in regard to the receiver and gas system (probably not compatible). There was also a change in the original carrier latch assembly and some other internal component because of jamming problems when the 7188 was fired from the hip or while canted at an angle. I know the modification was patented and I could look into my books for it.
Is it possible to email you the photos? I'm not familiar with posting pics on this board, plus I be able to scan them in and adjust them. I would be able to send them out around Thursday evening, if you want. Is your email address on the profile correct?
I know mine is missing a "1" before the "@" character b/c of a slight change of address.
Glad to find another afficianado of the autoloader shotgun. BTW, have you seen the Remington 870 Mk1 Shotgun? Basically its an 870 slide action with a the extended and bayonet mount/support bracket. Scattergun Technologies has a close relative of it called the Military Model, except it has an 18" (instead of 21") barrel, ghost ring (instead of the more traditional v-notch and ramp sight), and synthetic (instead of walnut) hardware. Having a clone of that and a clone of the 7180 (semiauto) would make my day.

Hey, yes my email is current and correct. If you have any difficulties you can also email them to me at (This email is actually my preferred).

I've not heard of the R870 Mk1. Sounds like another interesting twist. I should have realized that the 7188 would be similar to the 1100. The 11-87 didn't come along until the late 80s (87?), I guess.

I've not heard that the 1100 was finicky with fouling or particular loads. I had one fella tell me to stay away from the 11-87 as it was more prone to jamming than the 1100.

However, my firearms instructors (former Orange Gunsite instructors)thought the 11-87 would do just fine. I seriously considered simply buying a magnum 870 and heavily modifying it. However, I've had enough nightmare experiences w/ smiths working on pistols (most aren't worthy of the title).

I thought it over and said "screw it." Bought the 11-87 which is almost exactly the way I want it out of the box. The very first shell out the barrel was sluggish on ejection. After that though, Watch Out!!

I think its plenty light, short and very handy. I was surprised with how well it grouped with that IC. This 11-87 is a keeper.
