Remington 700BDL 7mm-08 Question



I'm a Remington shotgun collector and have recently gotten into the rifle side of the game.

Why on earth are the 7mm-08 BDL's so high in price? Is it a rare caliber in the BDL or is it just a nostalgic thing?

Thanks for the info,
BDL's were discontinued years ago and replaced by the CDL. A few years ago the BDL was brought back in limited production and calibers and sold mostly in big box stores such as Walmart etc.

Even with that a 7-08 shouldn't be priced any higher than any other caliber. Ammo for 7-08 is a little harder to find and tends to be more expensive than comparable 308.
i own four 7mm08,s, a 700adl wood,a 700 bdl laminate,a 700 sps syn stock and a rem 7600 pump wood. all shoot better than i can. eastbank.
As said, the BDL is the high end of the 700 line. You didn't mention if it's a older rifle or new one. I still have a BDL from 1978 in .25-06, always thought it was a beautiful rifle.
I picked up a mint 7mm Express when I came across it because I knew about the rarity of that marking on the Barrell. Much to my chagrine, my $650 purchase is going for $1300-1400 on GunBroker. I wish it didn't shoot the way it did. It would be easier to sell! ;)
1981, that rifle has beautiful walnut on it and the glossy polyurethane, plus the black end caps. The 7mm-08 is a great cartridge too.

I agree that the 7mm-08 should not fetch a premium though.
I see new bdls in a lot of shops not just big box stores. Prices are 7 to 800 usually. If its a varmint special then yes it will bring a premium price. I hear all the time that 7mm08 ammo is hard to find but not true around me. Only place i cant buy it is walmart and i dont shop there so it Doesnt matter much to me. I can buy hornady factory ammo all day for 21 bucks a box. Same as any other popular hunting caliber. Like 30-06, 270, 308, 243 etc. My cabelas has ppu 7mm08 for even less maybe 15 a box all day long.
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A few possibilities for you:

The 7mm08 Remington was released in 1980 so that is very close to the year of your gun an could be a special version for some reason. What is the barrel length? Is it Stainless? How nice is the stock?