Remington 700 SPS?


New member
Just checking on the recent quality of the Rem. SPS models. Any SPS owners out there, care to share observations about this model? I'm particularly interested in quality of the bore and chamber, and bolt lock up (good and square contact on lugs). Any info appreciated.
Depends, I have a 7mm08 that’s been lights out and a .243 that took a long time to dial in and still isn’t where I want it. Stocks are complete garbage and the trigger is junk. The finish on the metal is worthless, you can literally watch them rust in high humidity much less get them wet. Honestly, by the time you get one right you could buy a decent gun and a bunch of ammo.
I own 3 R700 SPS's they are a great entry level rifle that will get you started. Do not expect moa precision in stock form. The biggest issue with the SPS's is the cheap composite flexi-boing stock. Using a bipod or resting the forend on a bag causes pressure on the barrel and you develop shot inconsistencies. 2 of my SPS's had nice actions, one of them I had very tough fired casing extraction for about 600 rounds, then the action started to smoothen out. With an aftermarket stock and free floated barrel and handloads you can expect about 1 MOA precision consistently.
700 SPS Stainless

700 SPS Stainless: I don't use a bipod but I have no problem with the SPS synthetic stock. The rifle holds zero in this humid climate. Mine is an older model in 7mm-08. I find the rifle to be extremely accurate. The trigger was replaced on the recall. The trigger is livable. If you are looking for a lighter pull, check out aftermarket triggers. To me, the rifle is a keeper. The rifle has an older Leupold 3x9 in Talley mounts. I'd buy another in a second.

Addendum: The locking lugs appears to be bearing equally. There is not problem with feeding, extracting, or ejecting.
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A year or so ago, I bought a N.I.B., 700 ADL, .223 Rem at a Salvage store (Marden's) and did my dance on it (Bore cleaning/inspection/bedding/free-floating/trigger adj./action smoothing) then, using known handloads, shot it in at the range. It's good!! Price at $235 +/- was great!

I didn't really need it, but was letting relatives shoot my excellent .223s, so wanted to take the wear off them.

Now, I'm looking for an inexpensive/good after-market stock to use on this one, but most cost more than I paid for the rifle. Maybe I'll find one in the barrel at Kittery Trading Post at some point. I've been very lucky there in the past.
I've owned two:

- 270 WSM that was an excellent shooter
- 30-06 that was not.

And yes, the metal finish is somewhere between mediocre and poor. But it would work well as a base gun for a project.
I echo post #4, I bought one of the first sps 700,s left hand in 7mm08 and put a 2.5x8 leupold on it with dual dove tail mount-rings and sighted it in with my deer load, a heavy load of varget and a nosler TB 120 gr bullet, and have never had to touch the scope since the first sight in. it shoots 3/4" three shot groups at 100 yards with out fail. whats not to like dependable-accuret-light weight with low cost. earier this year I bought a sps 700 in 260 rem with 24" barrel and 1-8 twist for under 500.00, with factory loads and a 2.5x8 leupold scope it shoots 1-1.5" three shot groups at 100 yards. I expect it to do better with the right load.
jmr40 said:
You can do better, and likely for less money.

With what? The OP didn't even state what SPS model they were looking at. A base model SPS runs between $400-500 depending on if it's on sale and if there are any rebates available. If the OP wants a M700 cheaper you can usually find an ADL package rifle at Walmart for around $400 out the door.

There are a lot of bolt action rifle at that price point, and none that have the aftermarket options going for it the M700 does. I know you've had problems with the trigger in the M700 and you probably always will. The trigger is an easy fix and not much money. Personally, I've never had an issue with the Remington factory trigger but I've only owned probably 10 M700 rifles over the last 20 years.

Most rifle shoot pretty darn good these days, better than a lot of people are capable of shooting. The machining process have gotten the tolerances pretty tight on most firearms, and most shoot very well. Sure every manufacturer can put out a of a rifle, and most of them do from time to time. What really matters is how they handle that of a rifle when the customer has one.

I've seen nothing to from Remington lately that would prevent me from buying one. The only stipulations would be it is in the chamber I wanted and it was priced competitively with other rifles having similar features. If I was looking to upgrade features later I go Remington all day long.
I have a SPS Tac in .223 that I've put 700 rounds through, and it is made very well and priced right. I have made some upgrades, such as a Timney 510 and a KRG Bravo stock, but these don't have anything to do with quality which you were asking about. My SPS is a 1/2" MOA rifle all day long at 100yds, and a 1/2 MOA rifle at 200 and 300yds when I do my part. Sometimes I can get closer to 1/4 MOA. I've been very happy with mine - always goes bang and is accurate!
My Rem SPS is in .223. Haven't had much shooting time with it yet ( our gun club range is shutdown for remodeling ) but it will print 1MOA with the factory loads I've try ed. I set up to load when the range opens up again. hdbiker
First thing I do with any new rifle is to rout/sand/scrape the barrel channel to free-float the barrel at least 1/16" all around. Cheap synthetics are routed a bit more, so if I ever use a sling to steady a shot, I don't pull the forend to touch the barrel and pull the shot off-line.

Second thing I do is to adjust the trigger (if adjustable).

Third thing, smooth the action by using emery paper where it bears on the magazine follower or receiver.

At that point, I usually bed the action in epoxy, masking-off areas that shouldn't get any, especially the trigger and safety.

After that's all done and the action removed, I rout-off areas where bedding shouldn't be...(including under the recoil plate which was masked off, but bedding "goo" is so sneaky).

Finally, after the bedding hardens a day, I shoot it and am always happy with the results, thinking that it would never have shot that well if I hadn't done the work. I'll never know if it would have shot better without the work because I don't care. :D
I purchased a Remington SPS .260 for my daughter several years back and she's been happy with it thus far. We never shot it but a few times as a stock rifle so I can't comment on that. She wanted a wood stock so I dropped it in a CDL stock, bedded the action, floated the barrel and put a Timney trigger in it. The finish is matte and is a little rough but we haven't had any issues with rust thus far. Opening and closing the bolt isn't what i'd call butter smooth but it isn't really rough either, sort of in between. The rifle is accurate and a pleasure to shoot and she's taken some nice deer with it shooting the Sierra 120gr Pro Hunter. She loves this rifle and as long as she's happy .... i'm happy :)

Depends, I have a 7mm08 that’s been lights out and a .243 that took a long time to dial in and still isn’t where I want it. Stocks are complete garbage and the trigger is junk. The finish on the metal is worthless, you can literally watch them rust in high humidity much less get them wet. Honestly, by the time you get one right you could buy a decent gun and a bunch of ammo.

So what are you trying to say?
Spend a little more and get a better rifle that doesn’t require upgrades to make it a good rifle...Saltydog235 touched on the shortcomings and upgrades needed. There is a reason they are cheap. They have to cut cost somewhere...

Personally, the LONG TIME trigger issue they refuse to address keeps me from doing any business with any product they produce. I know some people overlook this but I can’t overlook a company as big as Remington refusing to acknowledge/address a design flaw in their trigger design making for a dangerous firearms imho. Any gun than can fire without the trigger being pulled is a no go in my book. There will be people who insist this is not a widespread issue since they never experienced it personally...
"...You can do better..." Used. You can probably find a higher end, used, scoped, hunting rifle for less. Wrong time of year for that though. Right after deer season is the time for that.
Meanwhile, look into a non-Axis Savage. Their Axis is their answer to the SPS entry level hunting rifle.
" the barrel..." That guarantees absolutely nothing. Some rifles like it. Some do not. And it can be 2 identical rifles.
"...wants a(SIC) M700..." An SPS is an M700. Difference is the fit, finish and stock material mostly.
I'm saying that I have one that has a good barrel to receiver fit and shoots great after I replaced the stock and dropped in a new trigger group among other things. I have another that has been a PITA from day one even though I put it in a new stock and dropped a new trigger in. I think QC at Remington is based on whether or not the person doing it is hungover or PO'd at his wife. What Remington has going for it is a wealth of aftermarket support and parts, spend enough on that side and you can get them all to shoot.

Fact is, I walked away from them a few years ago. I'm now looking at getting another .300wm or dipping my foot in the 6.5cm rage. I like their Gen2 5R by it's looks but know I have to drop in a trigger to get it where I want, at that point, I can buy a Sako A7, Tikka T3X, Sauer 101, Mauser 18 or a host of other better out of the box guns.
I bought an SPS 700 youth model in .243 for my son several years ago... no issues. It, along with a Nikon scope, has taken several deer and numerous woodchucks, 100 % functional and workmanship was exceptional. The more we shoot it, the smoother the action gets.
There are three in my family. I have a .308 that has been reliable and have had no problems. I bought a youth model in .243 for my grandson, again, no functional problems and he killed his first deer with it. After he grew a bit more I bought him a full size in his requested caliber of .30-06. No problems with it either.

All three will consistently shoot into 1 1/2" at 100 yards. Maybe not good enough for some folks but if you miss a deer it's not the guns fault.